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How to Remove a Cat Pee Stain With Baking Soda.

How to Remove a Cat Pee Stain With Baking Soda.

Your dog or cat got loose on your lovely carpet or your carpet?

Don't panic!

No need to rush to commercial cleaners.

They are full of harmful products for you and your pet...

Fortunately, there is an effective trick to clean pee on a carpet and loosen it thoroughly.

The trick is to detach the area with soda water, baking soda and white vinegar . Look, it's quite simple:

How to Remove a Cat Pee Stain With Baking Soda.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result

What you need

- sponge

- vacuum cleaner

- sparkling water

- absorbent paper

- baking soda

- white vinegar

- lukewarm water

How to

1. Pour a generous amount of sparkling water on the pee stain.

2. Blot with paper towel.

3. Sprinkle the area with baking soda.

4. Let it dry.

5. Once dry, suck up the baking soda.

6. Mix equal parts lukewarm water and white vinegar.

7. Soak the sponge with this mixture.

8. Sponge the area to rinse and disinfect.


And There you go ! You have eliminated your pet's urine stain in the blink of an eye :-)

Not only is there no more stain, but the smell has completely disappeared.

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Plus, pets hate the smell of vinegar.

So you're sure they won't come back to relieve themselves there!