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My Dog Has Bad Breath! What to do ?

My Dog Has Bad Breath! What to do ?

I have a little dog, so cute.

But the poor thing has bad breath.

Not great for giving him little kisses on the nose...

The solution ? Mint leaves and nettles.

I couldn't get him to chew gum or suck on a breath mint, so I came up with two simple tricks.

My Dog Has Bad Breath! What to do ?

  • 1. Mint
  • 2. Nettles

1. Mint

The first trick is to make him chew two to three mint leaves after his meal. You can find fresh mint leaves in supermarkets for around €1.50 in a tray.

Mint is also sold in jars, which is more practical and above all more economical. Sometimes my dog ​​refuses to eat them, so I soak the leaves in his water bowl for an hour or two.

2. Nettles

My second tip is to sprinkle finely chopped nettles on his food. You can buy potted nettle leaves in organic shops.

And if you live in the countryside, you can always pick some in the woods or in the fields, during a short walk with your dog.

Don't forget to put on gloves so you don't get bitten and especially to wash them well before you feed them.

Thanks to these two little tricks, I avoid spending my money on veterinary care. And besides, it's much better for my dog's health.

Now no more bad breath! I cuddle and kiss my pooch as much as I want without an oxygen mask! :-)