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6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

We all use natural remedies every day to stay healthy.

So why not also use natural treatments for our pets?

Of course, that does not mean that we should avoid taking them to the vet when necessary.

But homeopathy and natural remedies are effective treatments for dogs and cats.

Don't worry, just know the best ones to have an effective natural pharmacy.

Here are 6 natural remedies for your dog (or cat) that will change your life . Watch:

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

  • 1. Rescue Remedy
  • 2. Aloe vera
  • 3. Calendula
  • 4. St. John's Wort
  • 5. Echinacea
  • 6. Arnica
  • Precautions

Remember to always consult your veterinarian before giving anything new to your pet.

1. Rescue Remedy

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

Rescue is a homeopathic tincture based on flower essences developed by Dr. Edward Bach.

This product is particularly effective in combating stress in animals.

If your pet is suffering from separation anxiety, stress from a recent move, or even the death of another pet or owner, Rescue will help them through this difficult time.

This remedy comes in the form of drops or an aerosol. It is available in organic stores or here on the Internet.

2. Aloe vera

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

Just like in humans, aloe vera is effective in curing animal skin problems.

It is ideal for soothing your pet's skin in case of irritation or allergic reaction.

However, beware. Because ingesting aloe vera can be harmful to dogs and cats. It can cause diarrhoea.

To be on the safe side, be sure to bandage the spot where you apply aloe vera and watch that he doesn't lick it off.

You should also be careful to only apply the gel part of the plant. The white sap on the edges of the aloe vera leaf contains latex which can also be harmful.

You can find aloe vera in organic stores or here on the Internet.

But it is better and cheaper to get aloe vera leaves and extract the aloe vera pulp yourself.

3. Calendula

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

Calendula oil's antimicrobial and healing properties make it a go-to for treating minor cuts, insect bites, abrasions, eczema, and poison ivy rash (for those living in Canada). /P>

It can also be applied to sprains and bruises.

Used as eye drops, it treats conjunctivitis or serves as a treatment for inflammation of the digestive and urinary tracts.

It can also be used in case of ulcer.

4. St. John's Wort

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

St. John's Wort helps reduce anxiety, depression and psychological stress in cats and dogs.

This plant can be very useful to soothe your pet in the event of a storm or during visits to the groomer or the veterinarian.

According to an association of veterinarians, scientists have discovered a chemical component in this plant with the ability to relieve pain in the same way as opiates do.

St. John's wort is therefore very useful for managing pain in dogs and cats.

Additionally, "topical application of St. John's Wort oil may help relieve mild bruising, muscle aches, and minor skin irritations."

5. Echinacea

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

Echinacea can work wonders for boosting your pet's immune system.

But be careful, if your dog suffers from immune diseases, it can be harmful.

Take advice from your veterinarian on how to best use it.

6. Arnica

6 Natural Remedies For Your Dog (That Will Change His Life).

Arnica is sometimes considered "homeopathic aspirin".

It can be used after any injury or trauma or even in case of overwork.

It has also been used to reduce post-operative pain and may promote healing after surgery.

It is also said to relieve dogs with arthritis.


Attention, the use of essential oil in cats is contraindicated.

Before applying any of these remedies to your pet, check with your veterinarian.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health, talk to your veterinarian.

Remember that some herbs and natural remedies are safe for humans, but can be toxic to dogs and cats.

So be well informed before giving anything new to your pet.

As with any medication, allergic reactions can occur, although some herbs or remedies are considered safe for your furry friend's health.