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How To Scare Pigeons Off Your Balcony With White Vinegar.

How To Scare Pigeons Off Your Balcony With White Vinegar.

Today I explain how to scare away pigeons from your balcony naturally .

Because even if we love birds...

Pigeons are not always welcome on your balcony.

Especially when they leave behind hard-to-clean droppings... We've got better things to do, right?

Fortunately, there is a natural and effective trick to keep pigeons away without harming them.

The trick is to make a white vinegar repellent spray to scare away the pigeons for good . Watch:

How To Scare Pigeons Off Your Balcony With White Vinegar.

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • Additional tips


- white vinegar

- 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil (optional)

- water

- 1 liter spray bottle.

How to

1. Fill the spray halfway with water.

2. Pour the same amount of white vinegar.

3. Add the essential oils.

4. Shake the spray bottle to mix the ingredients well.

5. Spray your repellent on the affected surfaces.


How To Scare Pigeons Off Your Balcony With White Vinegar.

There you go, thanks to white vinegar, no more pigeons squatting on your balcony :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And completely natural! Not to mention that it is very economical.

Generously spray your homemade natural repellent on railings or window ledges and sills.

This grandmother's recipe works to keep pigeons away from the terrace, balcony, roof and roof...

In short, wherever you can diffuse white vinegar without difficulty.

But do not forget to renew this treatment regularly so that it remains effective.

Now you know how to keep a pigeon away from a balcony without hurting it.

You see, no need to buy an ultrasound device especially since it is not cheap...

And in addition, it may disturb your pets.

If you don't have a 1 liter spray bottle, you can use a 500 ml spray.

The important thing is to keep the proportion of white vinegar and water:half/half.

Why does it work?

Like many animals, pigeons hate certain smells.

And white vinegar is one of them.

When they smell this smell, they move on. Simply!

White vinegar is an excellent pigeon repellent.

Plus, it's 100% natural and non-toxic.

There is therefore no risk of poisoning pigeons or other animals.

But his smell will bother them. And that will prevent them from landing.

You won't be disturbed anymore!

Additional advice

We also advise against the use of bleach, which is a toxic product.

It could poison pigeons, but also other birds or passing animals or pets.

And even for you and your family, its fumes are dangerous. Better to avoid them.

To keep pigeons away from cherry trees, window boxes or the vegetable patch, white vinegar is also not recommended.

You may know...

White vinegar is an excellent weedkiller!

Its acidity is not good for plants. Spraying white vinegar on your plants can kill them.

In this case, the best is to use a good old CD hanging in a tree.

In addition, it will also keep other greedy birds away (doves, magpies, sparrows...).

To keep them away from the coop and feeders of your hens, a decoy can do the trick.

Do you know that it is forbidden to feed the pigeons?

These birds can carry diseases. And their droppings are very corrosive.