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13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Enjoying your terrace and garden would be perfect...without those pesky insects!

They have the art of coming back as soon as you step outside.

But no need to spray chemical repellents in the air or on the skin!

Fortunately, there are plants that repel all insects including flies and mosquitoes.

Their power comes from the smell they give off when the leaves are crushed. Insects instinctively avoid these odors that they hate.

Grow one or more of these 13 plants in your garden or in a pot to keep flies away.

Not only is it useful, but it will also beautify your terrace because they are beautiful and very colorful.

Check out these 13 magical plants that naturally repel insects . Watch:

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

  • 1. The nasturtium
  • 2. Lantana camara
  • 3. The concern
  • 4. Chrysanthemum
  • 5. Basil
  • 6. Lavender
  • 7. Lemongrass
  • 8. Lemon thyme
  • 9. Mint
  • 10. Rosemary
  • 11. Catnip
  • 12. Garlic
  • 13. Bay leaves sauce

1. The nasturtium

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Nasturtiums are extremely easy to grow in pots or in the ground.

They are usually planted near squash, cucumbers, tomatoes or beans because they attract aphids.

They come to rest on them instead of eating your vegetable plants.

In addition, thanks to their very strong fragrance, they repel beetles, bedbugs and flies . It really is the perfect flower in the garden!

Nasturtium flowers have a peppery taste and contain ten times more vitamins than lettuce.

So we can eat them. Many gardeners also grow them for this.

2. Lantana camara

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

The lantana is native to South America, but it blooms in gardens all over the world.

It is a plant that grows very quickly, moreover, it is considered a weed in Asian countries.

And it's poisonous to livestock. So why put it in your garden?

First because this plant repels flies and mosquitoes , in particular the Anopheles mosquito which carries malaria.

Its leaves fight against fungal infections and its extracts can cure respiratory diseases.

But also because the lantana does not need a lot of water and its colorful flowers also attract butterflies and bees.

Do not hesitate to plant it in your garden or in a pot.

3. The concern

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Did you know that marigolds are perennial plants that repel mosquitoes and flies?

Marigolds have a very strong scent that deters mosquitoes, aphids, squash bugs and also rabbits that might nibble on your vegetables.

Calendula Officinalis, which is from the same family as marigold, treats eczema and skin infections.

Dried marigold flowers are also taken as an herbal tea to soothe stomach ailments.

And as a bonus, marigold flowers can predict the weather! If they don't open in the morning, it's going to rain during the day.

4. Chrysanthemum

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Chrysanthemum is the secret ingredient in repellents such as flea sprays and other insecticides.

The flower contains pyrethrum, a natural product that repels mosquitoes, ticks, spider mites, cockroaches and flies.

Dalmatian chrysanthemums are particularly potent.

Grow chrysanthemums in your flower beds or in pots around the patio.

And if you collect the flowers, let them dry to make your own fly remedies.

5. Basil

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Basil repels flies and mosquitoes if we crush its leaves.

It is the smell of this juice that deters insects.

The great thing is that basil can also be used in the kitchen, you can put it in salads, soups, pasta or sandwiches.

Some gardeners make a repellent spray by putting basil in boiling water and then adding vodka to the mixture.

This house fly repellent is to be sprayed on the furniture, on the terrace but not on the skin.

6. Lavender

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Lavender is a sweet smelling plant that repels moths, flies, fleas and mosquitoes .

And its magic works even if the flowers are dried!

Our grandmothers put her dried flowers in small fabric bags in the clothes drawers to keep insects away.

This pretty purple plant is easy to grow especially if you have well-drained soil and plenty of sun.

And you can use its fresh flowers in sauces or desserts and its dried flowers in herbal teas.

7. Lemongrass

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Citronella essential oil sold commercially to repel mosquitoes comes from citronella.

If insects hate it, humans love to eat it.

Many Asian dishes appeal to its particular flavor.

To grow lemongrass, you need a warm climate, plenty of sun and plenty of water, and fertile, well-drained soil.

Harvest lemongrass as soon as the stems reach one meter in height.

Plant lemongrass near your house to repel cockroaches that hate this smell. Thus, they will not enter the house.

8. Lemon thyme

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Lemon thyme belongs to the thyme family, but it has a citrus flavor that repels insects like flies.

But to achieve this effect, you have to crumple its leaves.

Pick a few sprigs, crush them and leave them on the table when you drink your aperitif on the patio.

Then don't throw them away, use them in the kitchen in a salad, sauce or marinade.

Thyme is a tolerant plant that grows well in rocky soils, with partial shade without needing a lot of rain.

Thyme is perfect for edging beds or as a ground cover with its tiny green leaves.

9. Mint

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Mint, whether spearmint or peppermint, or any other variety, keeps mosquitoes away and is also a natural spider repellent.

Its stems, leaves and flowers all contain an aromatic oil that repels insects of all kinds.

Be careful, mint is an invasive plant in the garden, it is best to grow it in a pot. You can even hang it near your doors and windows.

It does not require much maintenance but needs a lot of sun and moist soil.

You will enjoy mint for your drinks and desserts all summer long.

You can also freeze mint leaves during colder months.

To discover: The 3 virtues of mint that you don't know.

10. Rosemary

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

We love rosemary, but insects hate it, especially mosquitoes.

To take advantage of its ability to repel pests, its leaves must be crumpled to release its scent.

Therefore, an essential oil may be more effective against insects than the plant itself.

Rosemary is a shrub that can reach a meter in height.

But it is best known for giving flavor to dishes such as poultry, lamb and even fish or sauces.

11. Catnip

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

It is also called catnip. As its name suggests, it attracts cats and beneficial insects like bees.

But it repels mosquitoes and cockroaches because it contains nepetalactone, a substance more powerful than DEET.

Plant this herb in well-drained, slightly alkaline soil with plenty of sun and moisture.

Then enjoy the small white and purple flowers that appear in early summer.

The flowers, stems and leaves are perfect for the kitchen.

12. Garlic

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Given its smell, it is normal that garlic repels bloodsuckers such as mosquitoes.

Cultivating it requires no effort in well-drained soil.

This plant deters insects because of its strong smell.

But contrary to urban legend, eating garlic does not protect against mosquito bites.

On the other hand, if mosquitoes eat garlic, it can kill them.

The trick is to get them to eat it. In the meantime, garlic will be used to season your cooked dishes.

13. Bay leaves sauce

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.

Bay leaf repels flies .

Even dried, its leaves repel ants, fleas and cockroaches.

The laurel is a tree, not a shrub, but it grows slowly, so much so that it can be grown in a pot.

It needs a lot of light and a warm place without drafts.

The leaves are harvested when the tree is at least 2 years old, then put into soups, sauces, court-bouillons and stews.

All these plants that repel insects when the leaves are crushed, are also edible and flavor your dishes very well.

So you can cut branches and crush the leaves to create a protective barrier against insects and then use them in cooking.

Not to mention the fact that all these plants are very beautiful and colorful and they will beautify your garden or terrace.

13 Magical Plants That Naturally Repel Insects.