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Sand Fleas:How to Relieve Bites INSTANTLY.

Sand Fleas:How to Relieve Bites INSTANTLY.

Here I show you how to relieve sand flea bites.

You know, those little critters that live in the sand and sting.

Symptoms ? Unbearable itching and lots of little red pimples.

My daughter was stung on the beach in Brittany, and I can tell you that it was no picnic. She scratched herself until she bled...

So I had to find a quick and effective trick to calm sand flea bites...

Fortunately, the lifeguard at the beach entrusted me with his simple and natural treatment that eliminates tingling instantly.

Grandma's remedy is to spread a baking soda paste on the bites . Watch:

Sand Fleas:How to Relieve Bites INSTANTLY.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • What are sand fleas?
  • How to avoid sand flea bites?

What you need

- 2 teaspoons baking soda

- 1 teaspoon of water

- a small bowl

How to

1. Put the baking soda in the bowl.

2. Add water.

3. Stir to form a paste.

4. Spread the baking soda paste on the bites.

5. Leave on for at least 10 minutes.

6. Rinse with lukewarm water without rubbing.

7. Repeat the treatment as often as necessary.


Sand Fleas:How to Relieve Bites INSTANTLY.

And There you go ! Thanks to this remedy, sand flea itching is just a bad memory :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more itchy fits until they bleed!

And all this naturally and for just a few cents.

It would be a shame to deprive yourself of it:it really is an effective and very simple remedy for curing bites!

Be aware that the itching that is not dangerous lasts about 5-7 days

Don't hesitate to prepare some baking soda in advance so you always have some on hand in case of a crisis.

Keep it cold, in addition it will be more anesthetic on the bites.

If the fleas have run wild and you have been bitten badly, you can take a bath in bicarbonate water.

This trick also works to relieve duck flea bites.

Don't forget that aloe vera is also a great relief from insect bites. The alternation of the two remedies is interesting.

Why does it work?

Baking soda is a natural antiseptic that will act on pimples to disinfect them and prevent them from becoming infected.

It also relieves the itching sensation instantly.

Finally, the baking soda will speed up healing by drying out the pimple which will heal faster.

Sand Fleas:How to Relieve Bites INSTANTLY.

What are sand fleas?

They are also called "talitre" or "jumping talitre".

It is a small crustacean that lives in the sand of the seaside.

It comes out to feed and reproduce when the sun is not too present.

It is useful for cleaning beaches, as it feeds on all the small waste it finds.

Like fleas, the talitre jumps high and far to save itself from danger.

Its reproduction period extends from May to August and pushes it out of the sand...just when we are also on the beaches!

How to avoid sand flea bites?

What to do to avoid being bitten? Here are some tips:

- Avoid the beach on humid days, that's where fleas come out the most. They are also very present in the morning and evening.

- Or, put yourself on a deck chair or a raised towel to avoid biting.

- Apply insect repellent to repel them.

- Massage your feet and ankles with coconut oil, fleas hate that smell.

- Rinse off when you leave the beach.