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Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Tired of mosquito bites scratching all over your skin ?

Yes, some people attract mosquitoes more than others...

But don't bother buying a DEET-based chemical repellent.

This substance is toxic to humans and dangerous for the environment.

DEET is only advised where there is a high risk of Zika or Malaria.

So how do you repel mosquitoes when you are quietly sitting on your terrace?

Your best option is to use one of these 10 100% Natural Mosquito Repellent Ingredients That Keep Mosquitoes Away . Watch:

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

  • 1. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil
  • What you need
  • How to
  • 2. Lavender
  • How to
  • 3. Cinnamon essential oil
  • How to
  • 4. Thyme essential oil
  • How to
  • 5. Nepeta parnassica essential oil
  • 6. Vegetable soybean oil
  • 7. Lemongrass essential oil
  • 8. Tea tree essential oil
  • 9. Geraniol
  • 10. Neem vegetable oil
  • How to
  • Precautions
  • How to relieve a mosquito bite?
  • Conclusion

1. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Lemon eucalyptus essential oil is a natural mosquito repellent with proven efficacy.

According to the experts of the American magazine Consumer Reports (the equivalent of 60 million consumers), it works even better than chemical repellents ! (Source 1)

The US National Health Agency has officially approved the use of this essential oil as an ingredient in mosquito repellents. (Source 2)

A study has proven that mosquito repellents containing around 30% lemon eucalyptus oil provide over 95% protection against mosquitoes. (Source 3)

The effect of this essential oil easily lasts 3 hours.

What you need

- lemon eucalyptus essential oil

- sunflower oil or witch hazel hydrosol

- small spray bottle

How to

- Put 1 part lemon eucalyptus oil to 10 parts sunflower oil in the spray bottle.

- Shake the preparation, and it's ready!

- Apply to body parts exposed to mosquitoes.

- To protect your face, first apply the product to your hands.

- Then, rub into the skin, avoiding the eye and mouth areas.

Warning: this mixture is not recommended for children under 3 years.

2. Lavender

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Crushed lavender flowers release a fragrance and oil known to repel mosquitoes .

A study in mice proved that lavender oil is an effective mosquito repellent. (Source 4)

But that's not all. Indeed, lavender has many benefits.

In particular, it has analgesic, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

This means that in addition to protecting you from mosquito bites, lavender calms and soothes itchy skin.

How to

- Plant lavender in your garden and around your patio. You can also grow it in pots, inside your house.

- Crush the lavender flowers and apply the resulting oil to the areas of the body most prone to bites. For example, ankles and arms.

- You can also put a few drops of lavender essential oil on a clean piece of cloth and rub it on your skin.

To discover: 11 Mosquito Repellent Plants You Should Have At Home.

3. Cinnamon essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Cinnamon is not only a great ingredient to use in cooking.

Scientific research has proven that cinnamon essential oil kills mosquito eggs . (Source 5)

It also has a repellent action against adult mosquitoes, including the famous tiger mosquito.

How to

- To make a dilute 1% solution, mix 24 drops of cinnamon essential oil with 120 ml of water.

- Pour this preparation into a spray bottle.

- Spray this mixture on your skin and clothes.

- You can also put it in all the places where you want to keep mosquitoes away. For example, around the house, on upholstery and even plants.

Warning: at too concentrated a dose, cinnamon essential oil can irritate your skin. Be careful not to use too much of it on your skin.

4. Thyme essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Thyme essential oil is one of the best natural repellents against mosquitoes, especially those that carry malaria.

According to a study, an application of thyme essential oil diluted to 5% can protect the skin against mosquitoes by more than 90%. (Source 6)

If you are around a campfire, you can also throw in some thyme leaves. (Source 7)

Indeed, researchers have found that burning thyme leaves provides 85% protection for 60-90 minutes.

How to

- To make a homemade repellent, you can mix thyme essential oil with a vegetable oil (olive oil or jojoba oil).

- Respect the following dosage:4 drops of thyme essential oil for each teaspoon of vegetable oil.

- You can also make a mosquito repellent spray by mixing 5 drops of thyme essential oil with 60 ml of water.

To discover: Thyme Essential Oil:Its Benefits and Uses to Know.

5. Nepeta parnassica essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

The Nepeta parnassica is part of the Lamiaceae, the botanical family of sage, mint, lavender and rosemary.

It is also the cousin of the famous "catnip" or "catmint", the Nepeta cataria .

The Nepeta parnassica reaches 50 cm in height with aromatic foliage and very large clusters of white and pink flowers.

But it is the oil extracted from its foliage and flowers that makes this plant a valuable ally against mosquitoes.

A study found that the essential oil of Nepeta parnasicca is an effective mosquito repellent . (Source 8)

In addition, its effect lasts two to three hours.

In another study, researchers found that catnip was also an effective repellent.

Indeed, catnip is 10 times more effective than DEET to repel mosquitoes. (Source 9)

6. Vegetable soybean oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Some natural repellents are based on vegetable soybean oil, like this one (2% soybean oil).

Studies show that soybean oil repellents provide long-lasting protection against mosquitoes. (Source 10)

To make a homemade mosquito repellent, mix a few drops of lemongrass essential oil with vegetable soybean oil.

Studies have shown that the mixture of soybean oil + lemongrass essential oil is an effective protection against several species of mosquitoes. (Source 11)

7. Lemongrass essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Lemongrass essential oil is one of the most popular and effective natural remedies against mosquitoes.

This oil is the main ingredient in many mosquito repellents.

During your evenings outdoors, citronella candles can provide up to 50% more protection against mosquitoes.

Research has proven that some citronella repellents are as effective as DEET.

In addition, they can protect you for up to two hours against a bite. (Source 12)

To discover: Lemongrass:How To Grow It And Enjoy Its Benefits.

8. Tea tree essential oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Tea tree essential oil, also known by its English name of tea-tree , is extracted from a shrub native to Australia.

Tea tree oil has many benefits and uses.

It is best known for its powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

But according to recent studies, tea tree essential oil is also an effective repellent against several types of insects.

Field trials have also proven that repellents made with tea tree oil are effective against mosquitoes.

But not only ! Indeed, they can also repel certain species of gnats. (Source 13)

9. Geraniol

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Geraniol is a type of alcohol, commonly used as a flavoring or in perfumery.

It is found in several essential oils, including lemongrass, geranium and rose.

Used as a mosquito repellent , geraniol is effective for 2-4 hours, depending on the type of mosquito.

Avoid the eye area when applying it, and avoid using it if you have sensitive skin.

This is because geraniol can cause eye and skin irritation.

10. Neem vegetable oil

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Neem oil is often mentioned as a natural alternative to chemical repellents.

But, according to studies, the results on the effectiveness of neem oil are rather mixed.

For example, in Ethiopia, a study found that neem oil protected against mosquitoes by over 70%, for three hours. (Source 14)

Neem oil is not approved as a topical repellent because it can sometimes cause skin irritation.

So why mention it?

Because neem oil is natural, it is a preferable alternative chemical repellents based on DEET.

For example, if you need to travel to a country where the risk of mosquito-borne diseases is high.

How to

- Dilute 50-100ml of neem oil with water, oil or even moisturizer.

- It's also important to choose extra virgin, cold-pressed neem oil, like this one.


Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Always use essential oils carefully and in moderation .

Essential oils should never be applied to the eyes, around the eyes and in the ears.

Some essential oils can be irritating to the skin.

The majority of essential oils are used diluted in a vegetable oil, such as sweet almond oil for example.

Generally, the recommended amount is 3-5 drops of essential oil for 30 ml vegetable oil .

To reduce the risk of catching a dangerous disease, doctors sometimes recommend using a chemical mosquito repellent.

This is particularly the case when you have to travel to an area where mosquitoes are vectors of the following diseases:

- malaria,
- yellow fever and
- the Zika virus.

Before using an essential oil on a regular basis, experts recommend doing a skin tolerance test.

Apply a small amount of the diluted essential oil in the crease of the elbow.

If you observe an allergic reaction (redness, irritation, tingling), stop using this mixture.

If you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

How to relieve a mosquito bite?

Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Even with a good mosquito repellent, you can end up with painful mosquito bites and itchy skin.

Fortunately, there are many incredibly effective remedies to soothe a mosquito bite.

One of Grandma's best remedies is to simply rub the affected area with a little apple cider vinegar.

You can also apply a slice of raw onion or a piece of garlic directly to the bite.

This will relieve itching and protect the skin from infections.

In pharmacies, you can also find over-the-counter creams against itching from insect bites.

The most recommended against mosquito bites are cream with calamine (a zinc carbonate) or hydrocortisone.

In case of any of the following symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor:

- infection or allergic reaction due to a large number of mosquito bites,
- high fever,
- discharge of pus or blood at the site of the bite,
- crusts that do not disappear.


Mosquitoes:10 Natural Tricks That Work To Scare Them Away!

Scientific studies have proven that natural remedies are effective to protect against mosquitoes.

This is good news for people looking for alternatives to repellents that contain chemicals that are hazardous to health.

It is particularly interesting for young children and pregnant women.

By using 100% natural ingredients, you can create your own ultra-effective mosquito repellents.

It is a natural and ecological way to protect yourself against mosquito bites.