We love our furballs, but they don't always have only advantages.
You have to rack your brains to find out where to keep them during the holidays, to put up with the fact that they sometimes have fleas, to clean the litter...
All that is only a small thing compared to a hug from Félix, but still, a little help to get rid of the smell because kitty peed on the carpet... it's not no refusal!
Here are our 10 tips that will ease your life as a cat owner.
This is probably the biggest problem with a skittish cat! Don't let it ruin your life anymore, the solution is right there.
Don't want to invest in a sometimes expensive specialized brush, but don't want to leave your cat's hair unkempt either? Discover in this tip the ways to do without a brush.
Tired of finding your cat at the top of the library, after dropping all the books? Our tip explains how to permanently prevent it in less than 5 minutes.
For this problem, talc will be your best ally! Read this tip to know how to use it in this case.
This solution will allow the cat to sleep high up (which he loves), and will free up floor space for you.
A simple dishcloth will suffice to get rid of cat hair. For explanations, it's here.
You can't take your cat to the other side of the world, but the daycare companies are way too expensive? Discover our economical, but equally safe solutions in this tip.
No need to run and buy overpriced products if Félix has fleas! Just read these instructions to treat it naturally.
Image source:sfgate.com
Spit out balls of hair, sofa covered in hair:a cat that sheds too much can quickly become a problem.
Here is a trick that will allow you to reduce hair loss quickly and naturally.
Kitty rolled in the mud, and you don't have a specialized shampoo on hand? Never mind, here is the trick that will tell you what to use to wash it. Everything can be found at the local pharmacy!