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A Natural Flea Remedy for Dogs.

A Natural Flea Remedy for Dogs.

Fleas attack dogs.

And for our 4-legged friends, we are looking for natural flea remedies.

There are effective products, but they are expensive and not very natural.

Here is a lemon-based anti-flea shampoo that is very effective:

A Natural Flea Remedy for Dogs.


- Lemon essential oil.

- Neutral cleansing base (you can find some here).

How to

1. Mix 20 drops of lemon essential oil with 1 bottle of cleansing base (in principle 250 ml).

2. Clean your pet with this natural shampoo.

3. Rinse well.

You will find the fleas at the bottom of the bathtub. The shampoo kills them instantly without harming your dog's coat.

Renew the shampoo 3 days later to be sure to remove all the fleas.


And now, your pet has no more fleas :-).

Simple, practical and effective!

And this flea treatment for your dog is 100% natural.

But beware: always consult your veterinarian before using essential oils on your pet.

According to specialists, lemon essential oil is suitable for dogs.

But like humans, dogs can develop allergies or reactions to essential oils.

So always be very careful when using essential oils and take advice from a specialist.

Also be aware that essential oils should not be used in cats.