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9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Yes, not all animals and insects are pests!

It's often the opposite.

Some even have a bad reputation, while they are useful.

So, no need to buy pesticides or other chemical products to protect your vegetable garden.

You just need to know the right animals that can help you.

Here are 9 animals that protect your garden from pests...

Without you having to make any effort! Watch:

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

1. Ladybug larvae

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Ladybug larvae feed on aphids which they love. It is one of their staple food.

They swallow up to 150 a day. Not bad is not it ? Too bad adults eat a little less.

It is really a good natural alternative to get rid of aphids between May and September.

You can order larvae on the Internet or buy them from a garden centre. And in addition, the lucky ladybug!

2. Earthworms

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

It is true that with their look, they can disgust us a little. But don't be fooled by appearances, the earthworm is super useful for your vegetable garden!

Indeed, he spends his time turning the soil and aerating it. In addition, its humus-rich droppings enrich the soil.

This inconspicuous little animal is a really useful helper for the gardener. Having it is also a sign of a rich and fertile land.

So as not to disturb them, turn the earth during the hottest hours of the day. Because they won't be on the surface.

Don't have enough in your garden? There is a simple method to attract them easily.

For this, choose a place in the shade with moist soil.

Sprinkle it with walnut husk (or a little vinegar). You will see, it will make them come quickly.

3. Earwig

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Here is an unloved gardener. Why ? Because his diet is partly vegetarian.

Indeed, it likes very tender young shoots, petals and young fruits.

This means that we tend to consider it a pest because of the small damage it does...

However, he is not only vegetarian!

He adores aphids, mites, thrips (which cause gray spots on the leaves).

It also likes psyllids (pests of fruit trees).

It is therefore particularly useful and effective in an orchard or on fruit trees .

It is for this reason that more and more gardeners are now using it as an aid to protect this type of tree.

4. Toads

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Yes, we know, he is not the most charming of princes to meet in the morning in the garden.

But, as he loves to eat slugs, you will find him very friendly very quickly.

This makes it possible to limit or even avoid the use of very harmful anti-slug products :)

It always lives near a water point, so if you want to attract it, you will have to build a small pond in your garden.

5. Lizards

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Scaled critter haters, I can hear you screaming from here.

Even if you don't like it, the lizard is very useful for your garden.

It feeds on insects such as flies, beetles, spiders and even caterpillars.

Having a few lizards hidden in the old stones of a low wall is therefore essential!

6. Birds

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

It's true that birds may eat some of your fruit or seeds.

To avoid this, plant berry hedges in your gardens, such as elderberry. They will be able to feast on fruits other than yours.

But, birds are also very fond of insects. And that is frankly very useful!

Some birds are more predatory than others. For example, the blackbird or the robin.

The latter loves larvae, slugs, white grubs, ants and other similar insects.

To attract birds to your garden, why not install a feeder like this?

7. Hedgehogs

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Here is your natural and super effective anti-slug ally!

The hedgehog, although he sleeps a lot, spends the rest of his day eating.

And what does the hedgehog eat?

It devours everything it finds under its paw:slugs, snails, dead animal carcasses, spiders, large white worms...

Do you want to attract a hedgehog to your home and protect it from road accidents that are decimating this species? Check out the trick here.

8. The bat

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

With its reputation as a little vampire, the bat is often driven out of homes.

Yet it effectively vampirizes up to 600 mosquitoes per hour, as well as other insects.

Every night, the bat devours tons of insects. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of it.

So it's time to review its role in biodiversity and your garden, don't you think?

9. Bees

9 Animals That Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests.

Its help is precious, because it will pollinate most of your crops.

Bees are essential for certain varieties of plants that only reproduce thanks to them.

To have more bees in your garden, here is a trick to attract them.

If with all this you don't discard your harmful products... :-)

Your turn...

Do you also have animals that protect your vegetable garden? Tell us in comments if they are effective against pests. We can't wait to read you!