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10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

A recent study shows that the average dog owner spends 1 500 € per year and per dog!

That's a nice sum, isn't it? And that's just an average!

I bet a lot of people spend way more on their favorite animal.

Especially if there are several. Could this be your case?

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Fortunately, there are simple and effective tricks to lower the budget allocated to your dog.

We have selected 10 tips for you to save money while continuing to spoil your dog. Watch:

1. Dilute the shampoo

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Did you know that almost all dog shampoos are made to be diluted?

If you take shampoo and put it directly on your dog, well you're throwing money away!

The trick is to dilute this shampoo with water. Plus, it's much easier to apply. Check out the trick here.

2. Recycle old clothes in kennel

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Instead of throwing away your old sweaters or jeans, recycle them to create a new bed for your dog.

You can even line the inside with other old clothes to make something cozy to put in his basket.

Your dog likes it because it has your scent on it! It will only cost you the price of the thread and the needle. Watch the tutorial below to learn how:

3. Think about loyalty cards

Another card will you tell me? But yes, because even dog products can be the subject of a loyalty program.

Check with your retailer, or the brand of food your dog prefers. Many have loyalty programs for frequent buyers.

For example, you can get the 10th bag of kibble free or accumulate points for a future discount.

Either way, it's worth it since you're buying food for him anyway.

4. Shop online to save

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

What ? You do not know some sites that sell branded products for an unbeatable price? Sometimes even at -50%

Visit the sites of or and you will see! Make Fido happy without ruining your wallet.

5. Make the reward candies yourself

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Here is an ingenious and very simple recipe for making these often very expensive candies. They are also very practical for dogs that have to take medication, for example.

Mix 1 tablespoon of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour (your choice) and 1 tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter.

Once the dough is well mixed, form a dozen small balls. And There you go ! The reward croquettes are ready. They keep in the fridge.

Prefer crunchy peanut butter for the crunchy side:your dog will have trouble detecting the medicine you hide inside.

6. Clean his things with baking soda and white vinegar

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

It's cheaper and above all healthier for your dog than chemical products.

You can clean everything with this mixture:bowls, urine stains, basket cushion...

It's much cheaper than using special products sold on the market and it's safe for the family and for the dog.

To discover: Bad Smelling Dog:The Trick To Naturally Remove Odors.

7. Remove hair with a rubber push broom

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Stop spending your money on those sticky, hair-catching rollers. Half the time, we make shreds of it to change the sticky sheet, right?

Just take a rubber glove (or a rubber push broom) and grab all the hair with it. You can simply stroke your dog with the glove to remove dead hair.

To discover: The Trick to EASILY Remove Dog Hair from Carpet.

8. Store kibble correctly

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Have you ever thrown away the bottom of a packet of kibble because your dog doesn't want it anymore?

Poorly stored, kibble takes on moisture and softens or turns with heat.

Don't waste your money throwing away Medor's food! Store the croquettes in an airtight plastic container. Thus, they will be preserved without undergoing the humidity or the attack of the mice and the insects.

To discover: The Trick to Avoid Stepping in the Dog's Bowl.

9. Cut his nails at home

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

It's not difficult to cut your dog's nails yourself. Ask someone with experience to show you how. You'll see, it's quite easy.

By the way, did you know that there is a special nail clipper to help you out? This will save you an appointment with the groomer or the veterinarian.

10. Invest in a dehydrator

10 Simple Tips To Save Money When You Have A Dog.

Ok, buying a dehydrator is an initial investment, but what a great object! And what's more, it will serve the whole family.

You will be able to make your own treats for your dog in a few minutes. Now you know what you're feeding him.

Most specialty stores sell dehydrated foods at very high prices. By making them yourself, you can save a lot of money.

I own an Excalibur dehydrator because our family is a fan of this device, but there are simpler and more affordable ones like this dehydrator.