Cheetahs are majestic beasts known to be dangerous.
In reality, they are very anxious beings.
Because of this anxiety, they find it difficult to socialize with each other.
Stress takes over and prevents them from having a normal friendship and love life.
Seeing that the cheetahs needed help, the zoo keepers gave them to their own dogs.
These dogs are very effective playmates and emotional support.
"It's a love story of one species helping another species to survive," said Jack Grisham, vice president of the St. Louis Zoo in the United States.
"When you put a baby cheetah with a puppy, the cheetah mimics the behavior of the dog."
The dog promotes a serene and joyful atmosphere necessary for the development of the feline.
Here is how cheetahs grow up thanks to dogs and become normal adults. Watch: