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The 10 Dog Commandments Everyone Should Know.

The 10 Dog Commandments Everyone Should Know.

Want to adopt or buy a dog?

It's a great idea because the dog is the best friend of the man!

In addition, having a dog is excellent for the heart and the children.

But it's also a big responsibility!

And when you have a dog, it is essential to respect certain rules.

Here are the 10 commandments of the dog that everyone should know before having one at home . Watch:

The 10 Dog Commandments Everyone Should Know.

The 10 commandments of the dog

1. Don't leave me alone for long. My life expectancy is only 10 to 15 years. And I will suffer as soon as I am separated from you. Don't forget that when you adopt me!

2. Be patient. Give me time to understand what you expect of me.

3. Give me your trust. For me to feel good, it's very important that you trust me.

4. Don't get mad at me for too long. And if you punish me, don't lock me up. You have your job, your hobbies, your friends... I only have you.

5. Talk to me once in a while. Even if I don't understand every word, I understand the general meaning thanks to the intonations of your voice.

6. Remember that no matter how you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Remember before you hit me:I can easily crush the bones in your hand with one bite. But I made the choice not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, stubborn or lazy, ask yourself if everything is okay. Maybe I ate something bad or stayed in the sun too long. Or maybe my heart is getting old and weak.

9. Take care of me when I'm old. Yes, you too will grow old.

10. Support me in difficult times. Never say, "I can't bear to see him like this". "Let this happen while I'm gone." Things are easier for me when you're around.

And above all, remember that I love you.

There you go, you know the 10 commandments of the dog :-)

The 10 Dog Commandments Everyone Should Know.

Now learn how to decode your dog's language easily. And find out how old your dog is in human equivalent, with this guide.

And if you want to have a happy dog, I recommend this book which lists 365 ideas to make your dog happy.

Your turn...

Do you know of any other points to respect when you have a pet? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!