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5 reasons why summer isn't fun for dogs

From vacations to BBQs and outdoor adventures, we're all looking forward to summer. But for our dogs, the summer season is actually no fun at all. There are a number of summer health hazards to your pet that can put a serious damper on the vacation, leading to a trip to the vet. So keep the following things in mind.

The heat: When the sun is high and temperatures climb, watch out for heat-related conditions such as heat stroke, dehydration and heat rash – especially for brachycephalic breeds such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Pugs. These snub-nosed pups are twice as likely to require a vet visit for heat-related conditions than non-brachycephalic breeds. Signs of problems include heavy panting, lethargy and a staggering gait. So make sure your pets have plenty of fresh water and shade when it's hot, and never leave them in a parked car.

Watch out for buzz: The outdoors goes hand in hand with insects. Pets are twice as likely to get an insect sting in the summer compared to the rest of the year, and bees are responsible for 25% of these incidents. Stings can cause mild symptoms such as redness and swelling, as well as more serious reactions such as anaphylaxis (allergic shock). Symptoms of anaphylaxis include difficulty breathing and vomiting.

The skin: Pay special attention to your best friend's skin, as the risk of skin infection is 16% higher during the summer months. Common causes include allergies, swimming, and pests such as fleas and ticks. Look for itchy, irritated skin or lesions, and keep an eye out for additional scratching or licking that could indicate a problem.

Grapes: As refreshing as they may be, keep grapes out of the reach of dogs. These fruits can cause acute kidney failure if ingested, and symptoms include vomiting, increased thirst and diarrhea. Call the vet right away if you suspect your four-legged friend has eaten a grape or something related to a grape such as wine or biscuits.

Corn on the cob: Corn on the cob is a favorite on the barbecue, and some dogs like to run off with it. Corn on the cob can get stuck in a dog's intestines or stomach if eaten, and sometimes requires surgery to remove it. So keep them out of sight!