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How to make 2017 a better year for your pet

Now that the new year has started, we are fully engaged with good intentions. But you don't have to make these just for yourself, it's also the perfect time to think about how you can become an even better pet owner. Here are a few suggestions that can make you healthier and happier.

1. Take more long walks
A walk is not only healthy for you, it also benefits your beloved dog. Moreover, it improves the bond between you.

2. Give more fresh food
If you believe the commercials, all kibble and canned food contains all the nutrients that pets need. But homemade fresh vegetables, meats and fruits that are good for dogs may be a better choice.

3. Embrace a new hobby
Dogs love to be involved in what we do whether you like it or not. Find a new hobby this year and get your dog involved. How about supping with your dog, for example? Or a dog boot camp? They are fast growing fads that are good for you and your dog can join in!

4. Take Them With You
Let this be the year you take your dog on adventures. A dog walking park, the forest, the beach, a visit to friends or on holiday. You will make your dog very happy if you don't leave him or her alone too often.

5. Provide healthier snacks
It's okay to give your dog a piece of cheese or a slice of sausage now and then, but too much can make you overweight. So give healthy snacks more often this year.

6. Clean the teeth
If the teeth are not cleaned properly, they can develop dental diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. If left untreated, bacteria can affect the entire body. So brush up!

7. Make time for cuddling
Every dog ​​loves to be showered with love and affection, so make time each day to interact with your dog on a purely emotional level.

8. Brush the hair regularly
The key to successful grooming is to start early and do it regularly. Brushing is an essential aspect of the human-animal bond, so get into the habit of brushing your dog's coat regularly as it has a calming and refreshing effect on him or her.

9. Keep an eye on health
Keeping your dog healthy should be a top priority. At least once a month, do a thorough head-to-tail and paw examination of your dog. Look for any weird changes, such as bad breath, a lump, weight gain or loss. But also look at behavioral changes, for example, is he or she more active or acting sad? If you discover anything, go to the vet immediately.

10. Be patient
No matter how well trained a dog is, they will make mistakes just like we do. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches if you keep in mind that animals are never annoying on purpose. Problems can be due to fear, communication, and not enough or the wrong kind of motivation. Don't give up!