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Where do our dogs sleep?

A popular question when it comes to dog ownership is where they sleep at night. Do dogs have to be crated or do you sleep together? The answer is that they should sleep where it is safest and most comfortable for them and for you. A survey of more than 10,000 people found that 53% of puppies sleep in bed with their owners, but only 25% sleep under the covers and 39% sleep with their heads on the pillow. 20% sleep in their own bed, 53% with a blanket.
Some people (and dogs!) prefer a basket, 12%, actually. And of this crowd, 76% has a blanket. 2% of dogs think under the bed is their favorite place to sleep! 6% choose to sleep on the couch.

What about the huggers? 86% of owners enjoy cuddling their dogs at night, but only 81% of dogs cuddle with their owners. 5% of dogs do not want to be cuddled. There is one thing that almost half of all dogs have in common and that is that 48% of them snore.