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The Redoubtable Spray With White Vinegar To Get Rid Of Ants.

The Redoubtable Spray With White Vinegar To Get Rid Of Ants.

Ants are tough to sneak into the house!

They always find cracks between doors and windows...

And once they're in, the ants quickly detect where the sweet food is.

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective grandmother's trick to get rid of ants naturally in the house.

Indeed, ants hate the smell of white vinegar to the highest point, which also blurs their sense of orientation.

So, use this white vinegar spray to get rid of ants for good! Watch:

The Redoubtable Spray With White Vinegar To Get Rid Of Ants.

  • What you need
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- white vinegar

- spray bottle

- lavender essential oil

- water

How To

1. In the spray, mix half white vinegar and half water.

2. Add three drops of lavender essential oils.

3. Shake well to mix the ingredients.

4. Spray all entry points of the house:
- window edges
- bottom of doors
- baseboards
- paths where ants pass.

5. Leave this solution on for at least two hours.

6. With a damp cloth, wipe to pick up disoriented and dead ants.

7. Repeat this method as soon as an ant comes back to your house.


The Redoubtable Spray With White Vinegar To Get Rid Of Ants.

There you go, now you know how to use this white vinegar spray against ants :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more ant invasions in the kitchen and the house!

This method is a pesticide-free solution that will save you time and money.

It's still better than using anti-ant insecticides full of chemicals...

To guarantee the effectiveness of this natural repellent, remember to cover all surfaces evenly.

That way, there's no risk of them escaping!

Why does it work?

Ants leave trails of pheromones when they move.

Why ? Because it allows them to find their way and find their way easily.

Thanks to its strong smell and acidity, white vinegar destroys traces of pheromones...

...which prevents ants from being able to smell anything with their antennae.

This anti-ant works both inside the house and in the garden, the vegetable patch (for strawberries), plants, on the terrace (or balcony), or even in an apartment.