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How to Clean the Chicken Coop With White Vinegar (Easy and Fast).

How to Clean the Chicken Coop With White Vinegar (Easy and Fast).

Does your chicken coop need a good spring cleaning?

It's true that chickens tend to dirty their house quickly!

Here I show you how to clean your chicken coop easily and without chemicals.

Because there is no question of intoxicating my favorite little hens!

However, I don't want them to live in a dirty place full of parasites.

My veterinarian gave me this natural trick to take care of the chicken coop.

Just use white vinegar . Watch:

How to Clean the Chicken Coop With White Vinegar (Easy and Fast).

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • How often should the chicken coop be cleaned?

What you need

- white vinegar

- sponge

- bucket or basin

- garden hose

- push broom

- gloves

- safety goggles

How to

1. Put on your goggles and gloves.

2. Take the hens out and put them in a temporary pen.

3. Remove perches, nesting boxes, bowls, water troughs...

4. Soak all of this in a basin of white vinegar and water.

5. Scoop out the soiled litter with a shovel.

6. Scrape the floor and the walls to loosen the droppings with the push broom.

7. Remove cobwebs.

8. With the garden hose, spray the walls with water from top to bottom. This prevents dust from flying everywhere.

9. If there's any dirt left, start evacuating it outside the cabin again.

10. Spray the floor with a solution of white vinegar and water. If possible, brush it with a push broom.

11. Rinse the soil with the garden hose.

12. Leave to dry in the open air, if possible in the sun.

13. During this time, brush the elements that have soaked in the basins of vinegar water.

14. Rinse them and hang to dry in the sun.

15. Once everything is dry, put everything back in the coop.


How to Clean the Chicken Coop With White Vinegar (Easy and Fast).

And There you go ! You have cleaned your chicken coop from top to bottom :-)

Quick, easy and efficient, right?

And all this, without a single chemical like bleach or cresyl .

It's still healthier for your hens, isn't it?

And it works for all types of chicken coops:wooden, sheet metal or concrete.

Why does it work?

White vinegar is a non-toxic natural disinfectant for chickens.

It cleans, deodorizes and disinfects the chicken coop.

But in addition, it eliminates lice, larvae and parasites of hens present in the room or on the perches.

Drying in the sun and in the open air is very important.

Why ? Quite simply, because the sun amplifies the work of the vinegar by disinfecting and sanitizing the surfaces.

How often should the chicken coop be cleaned?

The ideal is to do a very big thorough cleaning at the start of each season .

And especially at the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Why ? Because the hens have stayed in the chicken coop and it is therefore dirtier than in summer when the poultry go out.

And then, spring, it's the time when the laying will start again. Might as well give them a nice place, right?

The rest of the time, no need to do a big cleaning.

Simply wash everything that is removable once a month such as feeders, drinkers, perches with white vinegar.