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Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

With the arrival of spring, we often see an invasion landing at home of ants.

They are neither repulsive nor dangerous.

But their massive presence is obviously embarrassing.

And unfortunately the first instinct we have is to spray chemicals on their heads.

It's not only inefficient (it only solves part of the problem), but it's above all very polluting.

So through this article, I intend to show you how to get ants out NATURALLY .

The proof, thanks to my anti-ant tips, I haven't been bothered by their presence for a very long time.

Discover my 22 natural and effective repellent solutions:

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

  • Ants in the house:how to avoid invasion?
  • Natural and effective chemical-free anti-ants
  • 1. Coffee grounds
  • 2. Cinnamon powder
  • 3. Chalk
  • 4. Lavender
  • 5. Lemon
  • 6. Baking soda
  • 7. White vinegar
  • 8. Peppermint
  • 9. Cornstarch
  • 10. Diatomaceous earth
  • 11. Basil leaves
  • 12. Cayenne pepper
  • 13. Garlic
  • 14. Black soap
  • 15. Sage and camphor
  • 16. The sugar + salt mixture
  • 17. Apple cider vinegar
  • 18. Salt
  • 19. Eggshells
  • 20. Walnut leaves
  • 21. Essential oils
  • 22. Honey

Ants in the house:how to avoid invasion?

To avoid an ant invasion, you have to adopt the right reflexes.

Because with the beautiful days, the ants inevitably come out of their lair in search of food.

Worker ants are on a mission to feed their queen and their offspring!

Bag of ants on their back, so they leave to explore the surroundings and stop... in front of your kitchen.

A real paradise! Their antennae quiver at the sight of stored bread crumbs and other sweet foods.

And yes, you made a fundamental mistake:that of leaving a whole pile of food visible!

So if you don't want your "home" to become the ants' VIP address, do this:

- Do not leave food within their reach. Put everything in Tupperware or in the fridge.

- Do not keep dirty dishes in the sink. Especially if you let it soak in a little water.

- Degrease the interior and exterior walls of your furniture.

- Close the trash can hermetically.

- Do not leave any crumbs on the floors (sweep or vacuum).

Natural and effective chemical-free anti-ants

Anti-ant or anti-insect products abound in shops.

The problem is that most of them are very harmful...

They attack pets, the planet, yourselves, children... they are real poisons .

But how to do without them, you will tell me? And many natural solutions exist.

First, make sure the ants don't find their way to your house.

Lure them out with foods they love (especially sweet things like jam...).

And if the ants have already set their course inside the house, don't panic.

I have in my bag powerful natural tricks to make them clear off! Watch:

1. Coffee grounds

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Coffee grounds are amazing; it can be used for many things.

But one of its particularities is that it is a natural insect repellent .

And that suits us well to fight against ant invasions.

Just put small piles of coffee grounds in cups near windows and doors.

Or a little coffee grounds next to the hollows from which the ants come out.

Its acidic taste is a super effective repellent that hinders ants.

Check out the trick here.

2. Cinnamon powder

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Smell cinnamon on an ant and you're sure not to see it again any time soon.

Our antennae friends hate cinnamon powder; it is therefore a very effective anti-ant.

In the house or in the garden, observe the path taken by the ants and place the powder there.

Result:they no longer pass where the cinnamon powder is.

And it also works with cinnamon sticks.

Same principle of use:break into small pieces and place them where the ants pass.

3. Chalk

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Take a chalk and draw a line on the ground at the base of your door, window or patio.

You have just created a natural barrier that ants never cross!

It acts as an impassable border.

Another possibility:crush the chalk and put the powder in the places where the ants pass.

The ants' favorite route to your fridge is magically no longer used.

For a 100% effective result, repeat this little trick every day for 1 week.

4. Lavender

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Everyone loves the good smell of lavender, right? Everyone, except the ants!

Put a few branches, bouquets or grains of lavender next to your doors and windows.

This little trick is a super effective anti-ant .

And if you don't have lavender flowers available, spray some lavender essential oil.

It's just as effective.

Finally, you can also use a white vinegar/lavender spray.

5. Lemon

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Take a lemon, cut it into several quarters and put some near your entrances (doors, windows, balcony...).

Ants don't like this smell at all, especially its acidity.

And if your lemon is a little moldy, it multiplies the effects!

Also put lemon juice on the paths taken by the ants so that they never pass there again.

Replace your lemon pieces and re-juice every 10 days for best results.

Check out the trick here.

6. Baking soda

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Geez, baking soda is really awesome; it is even used to scare away ants.

You just have to sprinkle baking soda in front of your doors or any other access to no longer be bothered.

You can also apply a paste by mixing baking soda with dishwashing liquid.

Check out the trick here.

7. White vinegar

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Ants hate, but then hate white vinegar.

So you can use white vinegar in different forms to stop being invaded.

Pure, diluted with water, or mixed with essential oils of peppermint or lemon.

All you have to do is spray the vinegar near doors, windows, balconies and paths taken by ants.

Don't forget to also polish your worktop so that ants no longer come into the kitchen.

8. Peppermint

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Peppermint has nothing but benefits.

Not only does this plant perfectly deodorize the interior of the house...

...but what's more, it scares away the ants from the house.

The method is also really simple.

Place a few mint leaves near your doors, windows, but also near the anthill!

The result is immediate. Bye-bye ants!

9. Cornstarch

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Attention to sensitive souls, the following trick is as brutal as it is formidable...

Put corn flour (maizena) or oats where ants pass or near the anthill.

They will then pounce on it.

Except that once absorbed, the ants will drink water and the flour will then inflate their abdomen.

The consequences are atrocious since they die irremediably.

10. Diatomaceous earth

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Do you know what diatomaceous earth is?

It is a pest control and a well-known natural insecticide in organic farming.

Dietary diatomaceous earth (composed of microscopic algae) is therefore a perfect anti-ant.

Just put it on the places where ants pass to scare them away .

Be careful though.

Diatomaceous earth may be natural, but it should not be left within the reach of children.

11. Basil leaves

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

The smell of basil is very characteristic. We like it or we don't like it.

And ants, they don't like it! But then not at all.

This plant is therefore perfect for making them clear off, as for all other insects for that matter.

All you have to do is place basil leaves near the places where ants pass.

Or, place pots of basil near doors or windows.

And if you don't have basil leaves, feel free to grow some yourself.

It's super easy to grow, whether in the garden or in a pot on your balcony.

12. Cayenne pepper

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Cayenne pepper is a spice that smells super good. Anyway, I love it.

On the other hand, our friends the ants hate its smell .

Sprinkle it everywhere where they roam.

A few days later, no more traces of ants around!

Also be aware that other types of spices do the trick:

chili powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper or cloves.

Put some near places of passage to stop hearing about the ants.

13. Garlic

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

The smell of garlic does not only have drawbacks!

It also allows to scare away ants effectively.

Totally natural vegetable plant, it is an anti-ant weapon to have absolutely.

In addition, the process to scare away the ants is very simple.

Crush a clove of garlic and sprinkle the crushed pieces over the places where the ants pass.

And if you don't want your hands to smell of garlic, you can buy pre-crushed garlic here.

Otherwise, grow it yourself.

14. Black soap

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Want to fix the ant invasion problem at the root?

Directly attack the anthill and the surrounding ants by applying the following method.

Be careful, it does not make lace!

Mix black soap with boiling water and pour it all over the anthill.

The boiling water obviously has its effect, but it is above all the soap that acts.

Black soap irritates ants and prevents them from moving normally.

Otherwise, a little softer method, mix the black soap with water.

Then spray the solution where the ants pass.

15. Sage and camphor

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Ants can't stand being near sage and camphor.

It is therefore enough to place a few leaves of these plants where the ants pass to be rid of them.

Don't forget to also put some in the kitchen cupboards to keep ants away.

16. The sugar + salt mixture

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Another method that turns out to be a weapon of mass destruction, that of mixing salt with sugar .

Be aware that ants and especially their larvae cannot tolerate salt.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Just bait them with liquid sweet food (syrup, honey...) and add 3/4 salt.

The ants then only see fire. They can't tell the difference.

They bring this food back to their nest and the whole population is intoxicated.

In the end, it's a real disaster. Use only when it's an invasion in your home.

17. Apple cider vinegar

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

The smell of vinegar is a great ant killer.

So if the ants have decided to make your kitchen their food pantry, do this.

Spray a half water/half apple cider vinegar solution on cabinets and countertops.

Don't forget to also apply it to your floors, not doors and window sills.

18. Salt

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Salt has a double advantage when it comes to fighting ants.

One, it keeps ants away from your home.

Second, salt wreaks havoc within the colony itself if ingested.

Simply sprinkle salt where the ants pass for this method to be effective.

Use coarse salt and renew the operation frequently for optimum performance (especially outdoors).

19. Eggshells

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

You probably don't know it, but eggshells are a natural barrier against crawling insects.

A few shells broken, crushed and scattered around doors, windows and entry points do the trick perfectly.

20. Walnut leaves

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Talk to an ant about the smell of walnut so that it runs away immediately. The smell is unbearable to them.

Just put a few walnut leaves near your doors and windows to see the result.

Walnut leaf decoction is also very effective.

Bring 1 liter of water to the boil, put in 10 walnut leaves and boil for 30 min.

Fill a bottle with this solution, filtering it first.

You just have to apply this repellent with a brush, when you see ants passing by.

21. Essential oils

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Some essential oils keep insects at bay.

This is particularly the case for the following essential oils:

Lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree or geranium.

To develop a repellent against ants with essential oils, nothing could be simpler:

In a 200 ml spray bottle, mix 4 tablespoons of white vinegar or cider vinegar.

Add 15 drops of essential oils of your choice and finish filling the tank with water.

Shake the bottle before applying the solution to the places where the ants pass. Discover the recipe here.

22. Honey

Anti-Ants:22 Natural and Effective Repellent Solutions.

Ants love honey; it's their guilty pleasure.

But it is especially for them a hell of a trap!

Put a few cups filled with a little honey in the way of the ants so that they throw themselves on it.

Result:the ants are stuck in a sweet prison in which they can no longer get out.