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Moles:8 Tips To Get Rid Of Them Permanently WITHOUT Killing Them.

Moles:8 Tips To Get Rid Of Them Permanently WITHOUT Killing Them.

Today I tell you how to get rid of moles from your garden permanently without killing them.

Because yes, it is possible to get rid of these small mammals in a completely peaceful way!

Thanks to a few tricks, you can easily get them off your beautiful lawn.

No need to use harmful products or expensive mole traps.

The proof, with my ecological methods, all the moles that ransacked my garden have disappeared.

So if you are invaded, here are 8 tips to hunt moles WITHOUT KILLING THEM . Watch:

Moles:8 Tips To Get Rid Of Them Permanently WITHOUT Killing Them.

  • Who are mole predators?
  • 1. Dog hair
  • 2. Used litter
  • 3. Ultrasound
  • 4. A plastic bottle
  • 5. Elderberry branches
  • 6. Castor cake
  • 7. Flower bulbs
  • 8. Garlic cloves
  • Bonus Tips
  • Anti-mole methods to avoid
  • Why moles are useful in the garden

Who are mole predators?

To hunt moles in your garden, why not call on natural predators?

The idea is indeed not stupid at all.

Chickens or cats could do the trick, you might say.

Not only would it hunt moles, but also give fresh eggs or be in good company.

Okay, sorry, but I'll stop you there.

Effective predators against moles are... snakes, weasels, skunks, rats, foxes...

So I don't think you would want to have that kind of bug in your garden!

But do not worry; we will use other equally effective natural means.

Here they are:

1. Dog hair

Stop yelling at Fido calling him incompetent!

He may not be good at chasing moles, but his hair is very useful in making them disappear.

Brush Fido as usual, collect the bristles from the brush and put them in the molehills.

The result is immediate.

The scent given off by the hair is a perfect repellent!

Moles hate the smell of dog hair .

And it also works with human hair or long cat hair (like Angoras).

2. Used litter

And yes, your cat's used litter is useful to make moles disappear.

It is sure that the smell given off by a litter is not the most appetizing...

So, put some in the molehill and a little bit around it to scare away the underground inhabitants!

Moles hate the smell and will look elsewhere if you are there.

Check out the trick here.

3. Ultrasound

Know that moles have delicate ears.

No question for these small mammals to go to nightclubs.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Send them ultrasounds so that they move immediately .

Ultrasonic terminals can simply be bought in garden centers or here.

Put some in the garden and transmit a good dose of decibels!

4. A plastic bottle

When I tell you that moles don't like noise, it's because they really don't!

So if you haven't invested in ultrasonic terminals yet, there is another simple way.

Put a stick or metal rod in the molehill.

Then introduce a plastic bottle on the rod (neck at the bottom).

Your small installation allows to get rid of the moles very quickly .

Each gust of wind slaps the plastic bottle on the stem and sends the moles scurrying away.

5. Elderberry branches

Do you have an elderberry in your garden? Then you are lucky.

Your little guests hate this shrub and avoid it like the plague!

You just have to drive branches around the molehill to avoid being bothered.

And for even more efficiency, mix 1 kg of elderberry leaves with 10 L of water.

Leave to marinate for a few days to obtain a concentrate of elderberry manure.

Use this mixture by watering around and in the molehill. Moles will hate you!

6. Castor cake

Another plant that our underground friends do not like at all:castor cake.

Very well known for its aesthetic cachet in gardens, it is especially useful for scaring away small animals.

Field mice, insects and of course moles, castor cake is a very effective repellent.

Be careful though, this plant does not mix well with our pets.

So watch out for your dogs and cats. This plant is harmful to them.

7. Flower bulbs

Much like elderberry or castor cake, some flower bulbs keep moles away.

This is particularly the case for the bulb of imperial fritillaria, hyacinth, onion or garlic.

Plant some in your garden to keep our little underground workers at bay.

8. Garlic cloves

As with vampires, garlic can serve as an effective repellent against moles.

Push the garlic cloves into the tunnels as deeply as possible.

The scents act on the delicate sense of smell of our guests and make them leave very quickly!

Bonus Tips

In addition to the 8 tips seen in this article, we give you some simple and effective bonus tips.

- You got it, moles don't like noise at all.

Passing the lawnmower frequently in the garden greatly hinders them.

So it's a good way to get rid of them while taking care of your lawn!

- Also dip fir (spruce) battens (slats) in sleet and plant the sticks in the molehills.

The somewhat tarry smell spreads through the galleries and sends the little beasts off.

- Another effective and simple trick to implement is to use calcium carbide.

Place the stones at regular intervals every 2 or 3 clods of soil with a little water.

Do this on all areas of the garden to finally be calm.

- Moth balls are also particularly effective.

Put it in the molehills, the result is radical. Moles literally run away.

This trick also works with field mice.

- We saw that you can put dog hair in molehills to scare moles away.

Well, know that with hair, it works too!

So if you're a hairdresser and you have a garden, you know how to recycle them.

- To scare off moles, there's nothing better than attacking their delicate sense of smell.

So wet a rag with a little petroleum and shove it into the molehills.

- Put bits of a gorse branch (thorny shrub) in the mole holes.

This greatly disturbs them and makes them leave.

- Last thing.

Moles may be annoying, but they are also their usefulness.

Take soil from molehills to put in your flower boxes. She is very good and very fine.

Anti-mole methods to avoid

These natural remedies to get rid of moles are quite effective.

There is therefore no need to use certain chemical or even brutal processes, which some recommend!

For example, do not put mothballs in the molehills.

This product is harmful, attacks biodiversity. In addition, it is a poorly biodegradable carcinogen.

Other process to proscribe.

Some explain that moles are hemophiliacs and that they bleed quickly.

Therefore, they advise to put rose branches or broken glass in the tunnels!

This bloodthirsty process is not only cruel, but it is based on a false assertion.

Moles are in no way hemophiliacs! To do this is simply barbaric.

Finally, it seems that the plant Euphorbia lathyris is the enemy of moles.

Well, know that its supposed effectiveness is in no way proven!

On the other hand, what is certain is that this plant is very toxic .

If you cut it, no question of putting your fingers in your mouth or touching your eyes.

In addition, it is a very invasive plant that can quickly overwhelm your entire garden.

Last procedure to proscribe.

Surely you don't know this, but we can use mole crackers to dislodge our little friends.

The noise generated by the firecracker placed in the molehill creates a racket so loud that it scares the moles away.

A real underground July 14! Except that many accidents (not serious) result from this method.

To be avoided.

Why moles are useful in the garden

So OK, moles have the annoying tendency to turn your beautiful lawn into a real Swiss cheese.

But apart from that, moles also have their uses!

By digging their tunnels, they aerate the earth and facilitate the drainage of rain.

This promotes better plant growth.

And tell yourself that if moles are present, your plot of land is healthy.

Moles feed on 90% of earthworms and organic matter.

So if they are there, your soil is healthy!