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Gnats In The Kitchen:12 Tips To Get Rid Of Them FAST!

Gnats In The Kitchen:12 Tips To Get Rid Of Them FAST!

If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's is to see gnats flying all over the kitchen.

They're obviously harmless, but it's downright infuriating to be invaded.

Well today, I show you how to get rid of it effectively and especially naturally.

The proof, with a few well-placed grandmother's recipes, I can no longer be bothered at all.

No more swarms of midges that fly to the ceiling as soon as I touch a fruit or other food!

Are you interested in knowing how I do it without using chemicals?

Discover 12 natural tips to get rid of gnats in the kitchen quickly. Watch:

Gnats In The Kitchen:12 Tips To Get Rid Of Them FAST!

  • Midges in the kitchen:simple and effective tips
  • But by the way, what attracts gnats?
  • How to get rid of midges in the house?
  • 1. Don't leave food lying around
  • 2. Do the dishes quickly
  • 3. Throw out the trash regularly
  • 4. Discard plants in poor condition
  • 5. Repel gnats around fruit
  • 6. Get rid of gnats in drains
  • 7. Use white vinegar and dish soap
  • 8. Use an uncorked bottle
  • 9. Use the bowl of milk trick
  • 10. Throw away the wilted flowers
  • 11. Use corks
  • 12. Use black soap

Midges in the kitchen:simple and effective tips

As I told you in the introduction, no need to use harmful products to eliminate midges.

Just open your cupboards to find natural products to scare away these flying insects:

Apple cider vinegar, washing-up liquid, milk, sugar or even bottled beer.

You see, only products that we have at home.

Thanks to them and a few grandmother's techniques, we quickly eliminate these pesky gnats.

The problem is that they always come back. So don't attract them!

But by the way, what attracts gnats?

A humid and warm atmosphere, some appetizing food mixed with pleasant scents...

It doesn't take much to see an armada of gnats arriving inside your kitchen.

A few basic principles must therefore be applied to avoid being infested:

- If your fruit has over-ripened or is even almost moldy, do not store it in the open air.

- Do not keep your garbage cans in the house for too long.

- Take good care of your plants. Damaged or withered plants are sure to see midges circling around.

- Ah yes ! Gnats may also appear in your drains.

If so, just pour coffee grounds and then very hot water directly into the sink.

On the one hand, it cleans the pipes, but in addition it helps to get rid of gnats.

How to get rid of midges in the house?

I have already given you some tips to prevent midges from invading the kitchen.

For the rest of the house, the only solution is... to clean!

First of all, vacuum often:it makes the midges infesting your surfaces disappear.

I also remind you of 2 golden rules:

- No moldy fruits or vegetables in your home. Nothing worse for attracting gnats and the like.

- Take out your trash daily.

Midges breed very quickly, so these basic rules may not be enough.

In this case, we go into high gear with these 12 tips:

Gnats In The Kitchen:12 Tips To Get Rid Of Them FAST!

1. Don't leave food lying around

No visible food in the kitchen =no gnats on the horizon.

It's as simple as that.

So as soon as we're done eating, we put all the leftovers in the fridge and cover with cling film.

2. Do the dishes quickly

For gnats, dirty dishes in the sink are like honey for bees.

It attracts them terribly!

So do your dishes right away and don't leave them lying around in the sink!

If you have a dishwasher, put all the dishes in it and close it so as not to attract gnats.

3. Throw out the trash regularly

If you don't want to provide food and shelter for gnats, throw out your trash cans regularly.

Because an accessible trash can is great for a gnat.

It will not only stay there, but also lay its eggs there!

It is also preferable to have a trash can with a lid.

Ditto if you make compost in the kitchen, cover it well.

Finally, clean and deodorize your trash can daily, even the big one outside.

4. Discard plants in poor condition

You grow some aromatic plants at home (parsley, chives, basil...).

This is a very good initiative!

On the other hand, if you see that she is starting to sulk, do not keep them in the kitchen.

Rotting is one of the causes of midge infestation.

5. Repel gnats around fruit

A beautiful fruit basket in the kitchen is always nice to see and especially to eat.

Except that fruits act like gnat magnets .

To avoid this phenomenon, simply put a little garlic or clove on the side.

These scents are real midge repellents.

And you can also use it against flies and mosquitoes!

6. Get rid of gnats in drains

Wet places are a perfect nursery for baby gnats.

And what are the wettest places in the house? The pipes of course!

Midge parents have understood this well. They lay their eggs there galore.

They must therefore be well maintained and cleaned up so as not to see future generations hatch.

For this, nothing better than using white vinegar with baking soda.

Check out the trick here.

7. Use white vinegar and dish soap

With this grandmother's trick, we go up a gear.

We are no longer in the preventive!

I explain how to make a natural trap against midges to kill them (yes it's awful).

Fill a bowl with white vinegar and add a few drops of washing up liquid.

Place the bowl in a strategic place in the kitchen next to the fruit for example.

The smell of the mixture attracts gnats and traps!

It's a real slaughter.

Check out the trick here.

8. Use an uncorked bottle

Another "old-fashioned" trick from my grandmother that is wreaking havoc, the so-called bottle trick.

Take an empty bottle and put syrup, beer or small pieces of raw meat in it.

This inevitably attracts midges which remain trapped in the bottle.

For this technique to be effective, remove the substances from the bottle every day and renew the bait.

Also discover the technique of the bottle against flies.

9. Use the milk bowl trick

The milk bowl trick is very simple to set up and very effective.

Heat some milk in a saucepan and mix 100g of brown sugar and 50g of pepper in it.

Bring almost to a boil then pour everything into several bowls of milk.

Distribute the bowls in the kitchen.

Gnats love this grandmother's recipe.

They are attracted to this mixture and quickly drown in it. Bye-bye insects!

Check out the trick here.

10. Throw away the wilted flowers

Do you have flowers or bouquets of flowers that are starting to give up the ghost?

If so, get rid of it quickly!


Because keeping them in your kitchen or apartment in this condition is the best way to attract gnats.

Gnats love faded flowers.

11. Use corks

The cork trick is undoubtedly one of the best repellent solutions.

Gnats hate, but then hate the smell of cork!

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Recycle corks from your champagne or wine bottles to scare away gnats.

Place some in your fruit basket or other strategic places in the kitchen and you're done.

Check out the trick here.

12. Use black soap

Grandma's last trick to use to get rid of gnats, that of using black soap.

Take a spray bottle and pour in 1L of lukewarm water with 1 tablespoon of liquid black soap.

Shake a little to dilute everything then add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Your solution is ready to act; spray on midge-infested areas to watch them flee!