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Invasion of Gnats on the Ceiling? How to Get Rid of It FAST!

Invasion of Gnats on the Ceiling? How to Get Rid of It FAST!

Your ceiling is invaded by those pesky gnats?

And you don't know why or what to do against this invasion?

You've come to the right place, because I explain how to get rid of it once and for all!

And no need to get out your good chemical insecticide bomb!

Me too before I had lots of gnats on the ceiling in my house...

And I didn't understand why!

But since then, I've done my research and the gnats no longer squat in my house.

Here are my natural and effective tips for quickly eliminating an infestation of midges stuck to the ceiling . Watch:

Invasion of Gnats on the Ceiling? How to Get Rid of It FAST!

  • 1. What you need to know about the presence of midges on the ceiling
  • 2. Gnats on the ceiling:how to get rid of them?
  • 3. Tips for preventing the appearance of gnats
  • 4. How to get rid of midges in the house?
  • 5. How to get rid of midges in your apartment?
  • 6. Anti-midge sprays:which one to choose?
  • Result

1. What you need to know about the presence of midges on the ceiling

Invasion of Gnats on the Ceiling? How to Get Rid of It FAST!

Although they pose no danger, midges clearly get on your nerves.

But the more we fight them, the more they come back! It's beyond understanding...

So know why there are midges in your home is the first thing to do.

There is no point in going to war against them without understanding what attracts them.

There can be several causes for this; they can be attracted :

- By the flowers.

- Through fruit.

- But especially by any kind of plant or leftover food left at their disposal.

So in case of an invasion, first inspect everything inside your home.

Be careful also around the house.

If you are near a stable or cow field, this may be the cause of the invasion.

In any case, if they are still attracted, I will tell you how to do it.

2. Gnats on the ceiling:how to get rid of them?

A few simple tips and tricks can quickly get rid of these flying insects:

- When you vacuum, remember to suck up the gnats with the brush end of the vacuum cleaner. That way, you can vacuum them without leaving marks on the ceiling. The midges then remain trapped in the dust bag if the latter is well sealed.

- Also use homemade midge traps:nothing is more effective than this vinegar and dishwashing liquid trap.

- Sprays based on white vinegar and some essential oils are also perfect for chasing away these intruders.

- Ah yes; something super simple to do. Leave your doors and windows open to create drafts. Gnats hate it, because they can't fly properly anymore.

- Finally, you can also place a match in a flowerpot. Sulfur scares away these flying insects.

You see, there are plenty of grandma's recipes to get rid of gnats.

Just choose the one that is most convenient for you.

These curative methods work perfectly; but that doesn't mean we should forget about preventive measures!

3. Tips for preventing the appearance of midges

Invasion of Gnats on the Ceiling? How to Get Rid of It FAST!

In order not to have midges in your home, you have to follow a very simple principle.

Keep your house spotless!

When I say nickel, I mean leave no dirt behind.

The slightest meal left on the table or dishes in the sink, and the pests arrive in force.

Gnats have a smear radar; and I can tell you that this radar is very well run.

So to prevent any invasion, respect at least this:

- After eating, do not leave the dishes on the table and wash them right away.

- Also, don't leave stagnant water in the sink, in the glasses and even in the animal bowl.

- Don't leave food outside.

- Make sure to keep your kitchen clean, as well as the floors.

- Thoroughly clean the furniture, the hood, the worktop and the splashback.

- Dry the surfaces well afterwards so as not to leave any moisture.

- And then finished the overflowing trash can. Take it out frequently.

You see, not rocket science.

By applying these few tips, you simply no longer attract these flying insects.

Now let's see together how to get rid of midges in the house.

4. How to get rid of midges in the house?

With our preventive methods, no gnat should come near your house.

But let's say you're unlucky and stumbled upon an elite division.

Well in this case we will go up a notch and also go on the offensive.

Use glue tape:

Well, this technique is not very aesthetic, but it has the merit of being super effective.

The tape traps, stuck all over the house, cause real carnage.

Just remember to replace it when the ribbon is full.

I can even tell you how to make it naturally here.

Use apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar isn't just for cooking.

It also irresistibly attracts gnats with this little granny trap.

Clean the kitchen sink:

A clogged sink with standing water is a bit like offering gnats a swimming pool in Ibiza.

So, above all, clean the sink well to make it clean. Use baking soda for this.

5. How to get rid of midges in your apartment?

Do you live in an apartment? That doesn't mean you're out of the woods.

The gnats integrate all the dwellings as long as they find their accounts there!

But fortunately, other products, in addition to the tips seen above, help you get rid of them.

This will probably surprise you, but it's black soap and coffee grounds.

Here for example, you who have lots of plants at home, you must certainly be constantly invaded.

Well, I advise you to mix equal parts baking soda and black soap in a spray bottle.

Sprinkle your plants with the mixture and the gnats hidden under the leaves fly away immediately; it's radical!

Another way that you didn't even suspect; that of using coffee grounds.

Above all, do not throw it away; it not only serves as a fertilizer, but above all as a midge repellent.

To get rid of these pests from your plants, put a thick layer of coffee grounds on top of the soil.

I can tell you that with this trick you won't hear from midges for a long time.

They hate the smell and it prevents them from laying their eggs.

Another advantage of coffee grounds is to maintain your pipes.

And that's good, because the pipes are one of the favorite haunts of gnats.

It is a humid place where they love to reproduce.

Well, by pouring coffee grounds and hot water down the sink, you can be sure you won't be bothered again.

6. Midge sprays:which one to choose?

First, avoid or stop buying chemical gnat killers.

No need to use these products that are bad for your health and the planet.

It is quite possible to create effective homemade sprays; I'll show you how.

Think first of Eucalyptus which is a powerful midge and mosquito repellent.

Bring 5L of water and 150g of Eucalyptus leaves to the boil.

Pour the potion into a sprayer and simply spray the infested areas with it.

The effect is immediate.

You should also know that a certain number of essential oils are perfectly suited to hunting gnats.

- There is for example the essential oil of geranium. Mixed with a little water, it wreaks havoc against gnats and ticks.

- Peppermint essential oil that you can simply diffuse at home is also effective.

- Lavender essential oil to be mixed with white vinegar and white alcohol for an explosive cocktail.

- Or tea tree essential oil. Put a few drops on sponges and scatter them in the corners of the house.

If you want these repellents to be effective, remember to close the house so that the scents do not escape.


There you go, you now know how to eradicate midge infestations.

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

In addition, it works in all rooms of the house:bathroom, toilet, bedrooms...

Our grandmother's methods effectively eliminate midges; it kills them without staining the ceiling.