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Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

Here I show you how to avoid maggots in the trash and get rid of it quickly.

Because it only takes one clutch of flies in your garbage for you to be invaded by these hundreds of parasites!

And there, hello the damage... attracted by humidity and rotting food, it is super difficult to dislodge them.

And I know what I'm talking about, I myself have been infested with these slimy grubs at home!

Fortunately, I did my research on the subject and was able to eradicate the problem for good.

No more maggots for months!

Discover now my tips to kill and eliminate these insects for good. Watch:

Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

  • By the way, what is a maggot?
  • Why are there maggots in the house?
  • How to get rid of maggots in the trash?
  • How to get rid of maggots in drains?
  • How to prevent the arrival of maggots?

By the way, what is a maggot?

Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

Maggots, everyone pretty much knows what they look like.

They are small, gooey white worms with no pasta and no heads.

But do you know exactly where they come from? No?

Well, know that they are fly larvae.

And yes, again and again these pesky flies that come to annoy us in one way or another.

Know that the laying of a single fly can generate an invasion of maggots in just a few days!

The places where they lay eggs are well known.

Wet areas, rotting matter, spoiled meat or excrement.

They love to ensure their offspring in not very appealing places...

And as if that weren't enough, the hatching of the eggs is also super fast.

Between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. depending on temperature conditions.

The maggot shortly afterwards becomes what is called the pupa and then molts into the fly.

But rest assured.

Despite its frankly not very pleasant appearance, the maggot is neither a carrier of disease nor dangerous for humans .


Why are there maggots in the house?

Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

The presence of maggots is often the result of hygiene that is sometimes not impeccable.

Finally when I say that, it does not mean that the house is dirty.

It's just the fact that maggots often appear in hard to reach areas.

Pipes, stagnant water in pipes and siphons... these are their favorite landmarks.

This is also quite logical since these places are infested with bacteria and micro-organisms which are their food.

On the other hand, if you see maggots in the trash can or the worktop, that's not normal!

It is then necessary to resume the basics of a good household by applying for example these few tips.

Now that you know more about maggots, let's see how to eradicate them.

How to get rid of maggots in the trash?

Maggots in the Bin:How to Avoid Them (And Get Rid of Them Fast).

You know, maggots aren't picky.

Moisture, some organic waste and here we go.

Here they are, the happiest in the world.

And if I ask you where do they find this type of heavenly place? In the trash of course.

Because no matter how well you use airtight bags, moisture always seeps out at the bottom of the bin.

If you add some food scraps to that, you have a perfect maggot meal.

You see, a little negligence and disaster can happen quickly.

But don't panic, I'll explain how to get rid of worms if they infest your trash can.

First, get rid of the garbage bag and throw it in an outdoor container.

Then, sprinkle white vinegar and pour boiling water into your empty trash can.

You have just scalded the little worms! But it's not over yet.

If you leave the corpses in the trash, be sure other pests will reappear.

You must therefore rinse your tank well and dry it well with a clean cloth.

This is when you can hand over a new garbage bag.

I advise you to put newspaper at the bottom of the trash can; it absorbs moisture.

And so that the flies do not invade the premises again, I also advise you to add eucalyptus essential oil.

This smell helps keep them at bay.

Finally, let me tell you that cleaning weekly or at least every 15 days is essential.

I use a natural method to clean it well.

I first mix soda crystals in hot water (1 cup of soda crystals for 1 L).

Then using a sponge, I clean the inner and outer tray with the solution.

I rinse with a jet of water and my trash can becomes nickel again.

Washing with white vinegar is also possible.

How to get rid of maggots in the pipes?

Maggots don't just roam the trash can; your pipes are also their benchmark.

To destroy them, first throw a good dose of boiling water at them.

But above all, ask yourself the question of how they got there?

The answer is that food residue is probably in your drains.

It is therefore necessary to sanitize all this in depth. For this, you have 2 solutions.

You can use the natural and ultra effective method based on white vinegar, baking soda and coarse salt.

This trick not only deodorizes, but also unclogs the pipe if necessary.

Otherwise, deep clean with a ferret.

If you don't have one, remember that a metal coat hanger will do just fine.

Once either method has been applied, pour boiling water again to remove the last residues.

Remember to wear a mask when doing this type of operation.

Not very nice smells may scratch your nose...

How to prevent the arrival of maggots?

Knowing how to get rid of maggots is good.

But knowing how not to attract them is even better.

And for that, not 36 solutions:you have to keep the flies away to prevent them from laying their eggs!

Easy to say, less easy to do you will tell me; especially when the first heat arrives.

In any case, one thing is certain.

No need to use harmful products to scare away these insects.

There are very effective and inexpensive natural solutions.

I start with a repellent that is as effective for vampires as it is for flies.

I'm talking about a garlic-based mixture that you have to spray near windows and entrances so you don't get bothered.

And while we're talking about strong-smelling products, let me also tell you about white vinegar.

Used as a spray or left in a container, white vinegar also scares away flies.

If your delicate little nose prefers a little sweeter scents, you can also use lavender.

I end my overview of natural solutions with baking soda.

To stop seeing these flies hovering around the trash can, nothing better than putting some in your bin.

There you go, now you know how to kill lots of maggots.

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

In addition, you know that it is the cause of their presence and their origin.

No more disgusting maggots in the trash can or the kitchen sink.

Natural treatments make it possible to eliminate them, all without insecticides!