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Cleaning Dog's Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

Are you also wondering how to clean your dog's ears?

You are right, because it is really important for your dog to have very clean ears .

But ear cleaning of a dog... it's not that easy, don't you think?

Especially when the dog in question does not let it go...

Fortunately, my veterinarian gave me his simple trick to clean a dog's ears naturally .

Here is step by step the best way to clean a dog's ears easily . Watch:

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • How to clean your ears with apple cider vinegar?
  • Precautions when cleaning dog ears
  • How do you know if you need to clean your dog's ears?
  • How do I know if my dog ​​has an ear infection?
  • How to avoid an infection?
  • When should a dog's ears be cleaned?

How to

1. Prepare a pipette of saline solution.

2. With one hand, tilt your dog's head to the side.

3. With the other hand, pour the saline into the ear by pressing the pipette.

4. Gently fold the ear over the ear canal.

5. Gently massage the ear well.

6. Release your dog. It's time to distance yourself!

7. Let your dog jerk around.

8. Wipe off cleaning product residue with a soft, dry cloth.

Note: be careful, do not push the fabric inside the ear. Stay on the surface of your dog's ear.

9. Repeat on the other side.


There you go, you have easily and naturally cleaned your dog's ears :-)

Simple, fast and efficient, right?

Now you know how to clean your dog's ears naturally.

Thanks to this trick, your dog's ears are all clean.

The advantage is that we use a natural and economical product. :physiological saline.

But above all, this method is safe for your pet.

You may be wondering how to clean the eyes of your dog?

To clean your pet's eyes quickly, gently and effectively, also use physiological serum. Find out how here.

Why does it work?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

Physiological serum is a transparent and slightly salty product, almost like water.

In fact, it's just sterile water with added salt.

This makes it an excellent natural product for cleaning and disinfecting your hairball's ears.

Saline is gently injected into the ear.

Folding the ear over the ear canal and massaging it allows the product to penetrate.

This gives it time to soften up the dirt inside.

When your dog goes to shake himself, he will shake all the dirt out.

How to clean your ears with apple cider vinegar?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

To clean your dog's ears naturally, you can also use apple cider vinegar .

But be careful, I insist on this point:do not pour vinegar into your dog's ears.

Simply soak a cotton ball (or a compress) in cider vinegar and gently pass it over the ear flap.

Then pat dry with a clean, dry cotton pad, as explained here.

Precautions when cleaning dog ears

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

When your dog gets up to shake himself, it's best to move away quickly.

Otherwise you risk being splashed!

You can also place a towel between you and your dog for protection.

When wiping your dog's ear, don't try to wipe the inside of the ear.

You can go as far as the joint, no further.

On the other hand, never use Cotton Swabs to clean your pet's ears.

You'll just push the dirt deeper into the ear.

In addition, if your dog struggles suddenly, you can hurt him.

To wipe your dog's ear flap, you can take a soft, clean, dry cloth.

But sterile non-woven compresses also work very well.

How do you know if you need to clean your dog's ears?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

Have you stroked your dog's ears today?

I'm sure it is!

It's something we do almost without thinking just to appreciate their velvety softness and our dog's reaction.

In general, he loves it!

But did you know that rubbing your dog's ears is a great way to make sure he's healthy?

Think about it! If your dog lets it go, he's in good health.

If he's in pain from an ear infection or an injury, he'll probably slip away.

Gently massaging your dog's ears is the first step to checking his state of health.

If you notice that it is tender to the touch, there is pain.

Then it's time to take a closer look.

Also, know that touching your dog's ears is a great way to estimate its temperature.

If the ears are warm, your dog probably has a temperature.

And you have to take him to the vet quickly.

It's much more effective than touching his nose.

How do I know if my dog ​​has an ear infection?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

If you think your dog's ears are sensitive, then now is the time to sniff them.

Yes... I said sniff!

Healthy ears have no odor.

It is therefore advisable to smell your dog's ears regularly, as soon as he is a puppy.

This way you can recognize their normal smell.

If it smells like yeast or has a bad odor, it's likely a yeast infection or bacterial infection is brewing.

You should then contact your veterinarian.

Then look inside the ear.

The skin should be very pink and covered with a light layer of yellowish wax.

Don't worry if there is a little wax.

A small amount of wax is part of the ear's self-cleaning system.

On the other hand, if the ears are red, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian.

Same procedure if there is a dark brown or black discharge.

If your dog is shaking his head often, scratching his ears with his paw, or rubbing them against carpet or furniture...

Make an appointment with the veterinarian quickly to find the cause of the problem.

How to avoid an infection?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

Some dogs have sensitive ears and collect infections.

If your dog has a history of, or droopy ears, check his ears weekly.

The best way to avoid an infection is to make sure that they stay clean and dry.

Yes, you should know that bacteria and yeasts like warm and humid environments.

So, dry his ears thoroughly after swimming or bathing to chase away infections.

When should a dog's ears be cleaned?

Cleaning Dog s Ears:The Natural Tip To Keep Them Clean.

It is not recommended to clean the ears of a healthy dog ​​too often.

The too frequent cleaning of healthy ears of a dog can interfere with its self-cleaning abilities.

So if they look pretty clean and don't smell...

Don't touch them and leave them alone!

On the other hand, if they give off a slight odor or if your dog shakes his head from time to time...

You can do an ear cleaning at home.

You saw, it's easy. Just follow the tutorial above.

This simple gesture can stop an infection if caught in time.

You should also clean your dog's ears when the earwax is grey, dirty instead of golden yellow.

Also, if the ears look more waxy than usual, clean them.


Because a buildup of earwax can block airflow and cause an infection in the external ear canal.