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How to Clean the Chicken Waterer? The Natural Tip.

How to Clean the Chicken Waterer? The Natural Tip.

Today I show you how to clean and disinfect the waterer of your hens.

Because hens hate to drink from a water tank that is not clean... Normal, you might say!

Especially in summer when the water tends to stagnate faster and algae form.

That's why I regularly clean the water troughs in the chicken coop.

But it is unthinkable to put chemicals or bleach in it!

So, I found a natural trick to disinfect and clean the waterer of my hens.

Just use a little white vinegar and water. Watch:

How to Clean the Chicken Waterer? The Natural Tip.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus Tips
  • Why does it work?
  • How to keep the water of the hens clean?

What you need

- white vinegar

- brush

- water

How to

1. Empty the water tray.

2. Pour the white vinegar so as to fill the bottom of the tray.

3. Leave on for 15 minutes.

4. Dip the brush in the vinegar.

5. Scrub the sides of the bin with the brush.

6. Rinse with clear water.


And There you go ! You have cleaned and disinfected the hens' water trough naturally :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And above all safe for your chickens.

The smell of vinegar does not remain and does not disturb the birds.

Wash your animals' water troughs this way about once a week, especially on sunny days.

It works for all types of water tanks:plastic, metal, ceramic.

Don't forget to leave a bowl of water in the coop while you wash the other drinkers.

The hens must be able to quench their thirst despite everything, especially if it is hot.

Bonus Tips

- If the container is very dirty, you can clean it with baking soda before disinfecting it with white vinegar. Bicarbonate with its small grains, unclogs dirt.

- These tricks also work for your dog's, cat's, cow's or goat's water bowl. But also for your small decorative fountains.

- To thoroughly clean everything else in the chicken coop, find out how here.

Why does it work?

The white vinegar disinfects the water tank and removes the sticky particle that may form on the walls.

It prevents the development of algae and bacteria.

In addition, it neutralizes the smell of stagnant water that can bother the hens.

How to keep the chickens' water clean?

- Place the water bowls preferably in the shade. It delays the appearance of algae in the water... And it keeps it fresh.

- Regularly remove the dirt that floats on the surface, especially if the hens are going to wade through the bowl.

- You can choose a drinker connected to the rainwater tank. It's free and chlorine-free water:excellent for animals.

- Don't let the water stagnate, that's what makes it rot faster. To keep it moving, put a small stick on the surface like a float. By moving slightly, it will move the water.

- The luxury being the self-filling drinkers.

How to Clean the Chicken Waterer? The Natural Tip.