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Should You Really Wash Your Dog?

Should You Really Wash Your Dog?

If you have a dog, you may be wondering whether to wash it...

The answer may surprise you!

Because according to veterinarians, dogs in good health and without skin problems should only be washed if they smell bad. That is, not too often!

Come to think of it, it's true that a dog grooms itself... and doesn't usually use shampoo!

But sometimes you still have to give them a little boost.

By dint of going out, they can get dirty or develop a terrible odor (fish, urine...) likely to inconvenience your friends, your guests and your family.

And that's where we have to step in to wash them.

Should You Really Wash Your Dog?

  • 1. Why wash your dog?
  • 2. How often should you wash your dog?
  • 3. How to wash your dog naturally?
  • Result

1. Why wash your dog?

Thus, one should wash his dog only if his smell becomes bothersome or if he is very dirty.

- Have you noticed that dogs love to roll around in all sorts of smelly stuff? If so, it's obvious:the toilet is essential!

- But he can also get dirty by simply taking a walk in nature. Dust, mud, silt sometimes can stick to his hair... In this case, hop, the bath is essential.

- Another scenario:you spent time at the beach with your dog. Whether he has bathed or not, he must be rinsed with clear water. No need to use shampoo! You just have to remove the sand and salt so as not to irritate your skin or your eyes.

- If your dog is hot, especially during the summer, or after a long walk, a shower will do him good. Exactly like us! It will refresh it. But be careful not to wash it in ice water. And here too, soap is not necessary.

- On the other hand, the complete toilet is absolutely essential if your dog has been in contact with toxic substances. If so, it should be washed immediately. Do not hesitate to call your veterinarian to advise you on the right attitude to adopt.

- Finally, if your dog suffers from a skin disease, frequent grooming is also necessary. In this case, it is best to take stock with a veterinarian.

2. How often to wash your dog?

So, you understood, it is not necessary to bathe a healthy dog ​​too often.

Indeed, the dog's hair produces sebum which protects its skin from external aggressions.

If you wash a dog too often, his hair loses this natural protection. He then risks catching skin diseases... Or even a cold!

Conclusion:a bath at too close frequencies weakens your animal. Which isn't the point, is it?

But then what is a good rhythm to wash your doggie?

According to specialists, the correct frequency is to bathe once a month for a long-haired dog...

And a bath every two months for a short-haired dog.

This is a maximum...unless your dog comes back from a particularly dirty walk!

But beware, just because you don't wash it often doesn't stop you from brushing it often.

There are no restrictions on frequent and regular brushing of your dog with a suitable brush.

This one has the advantage of removing dead hair, knots and possibly parasites and weeds.

It also helps to make the hair shine. If your dog likes to be brushed, there's no reason to deprive him of it!

On the other hand, between two baths, if your dog smells bad, you can make him a dry shampoo based on baking soda, as explained here.

3. How to wash your dog naturally?

Giving your dog a bath is not necessarily easy!

Of course, you can go to a groomer.

It's a good way to take care of your 4-legged friend, but it's not the most economical!

Some dogs like to bask underwater... while others don't!

And this is where the operation becomes complicated. To distract your dog during his bath, you can try this surprising trick.

But in any case, there are 3 steps to follow to clean a dog.

Whether he has long or short hair, you have to start by brushing him. The goal is already to remove the most dirt and undo the knots.

Then comes the bathing stage.

If you have a bathtub or a shower, you can put your dog there.

First run lukewarm water so as not to surprise him. Then wet his coat. Attention, avoid eyes and ears!

Then comes the shampoo. What product to use to wash your dog, you ask me?

Good question!

The pH of dog skin is less acidic than ours. It is therefore not advisable to use your shampoo to wash it.

You can buy a special dog shampoo.

Or you can make it yourself with this easy recipe.

Black soap is also a great option.

Once your dog's coat is wet, apply some shampoo to it.

Massage it gently and lather. Then rinse it thoroughly. If it's not too dirty, that should be enough. Otherwise shampoo again.

Once washed, dry your dog with a towel, rubbing it gently. This is the last step.

Nothing prevents you from using a hair dryer as long as your pooch is not afraid of it.

But be careful not to burn it! Keep the device not too hot far enough away from the animal.

Then, your dog will finish his drying on his own by shaking and licking himself.


Should You Really Wash Your Dog?

There you go, now you know when to wash your dog, how many times a year and how to do it naturally.

After all, it's not that complicated!