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How to Eliminate Lice on Hens (Easy and Natural).

How to Eliminate Lice on Hens (Easy and Natural).

Here I show you how to treat and get rid of red lice on hens .

I recently adopted 3 hens and love taking care of them and the chicken coop.

But I noticed that my hens had parasites that are ruining their lives.

Symptoms ? These fleas cause unbearable itching and sores through which diseases enter.

And there is no question that my casseroles suffer!

Fortunately, I discovered a natural and effective remedy that allowed me to eliminate them from the chicken coop.

The radical and powerful treatment is to use diatomaceous earth to fight infested hens . Watch:

How to Eliminate Lice on Hens (Easy and Natural).

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- gray diatomaceous earth

- gloves

- masks

How to

1. Clean and disinfect the entire chicken coop.

2. Put on the gloves and the mask.

3. Remove and dispose of soiled bedding from the chicken coop.

4. Dust the entire coop with diatomaceous earth.

5. Don't forget to put it on the floor, walls, perches, nests, dust baths...everywhere!

6. Leave the soil to act for at least 30 min.

7. Remove most of the diatomaceous earth with a broom.

8. Put a clean litter back in place.

9. Sprinkle the new litter with diatomaceous earth.

10. Put diatomaceous earth on the feathers of the hens and massage them to penetrate.


How to Eliminate Lice on Hens (Easy and Natural).

And There you go ! You have eliminated red mites throughout the chicken coop :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more parasites that make life difficult for your hens!

The hens are now in great shape.

They are no longer bothered by lice, fleas or mites.

Obviously, all this without any ultra expensive harmful chemicals.

You don't need essential oils to kill them either.

Additional advice

To help you evenly distribute the diatomaceous earth, there is a special blower.

Very easy to use, it avoids packets of natural insecticide. The dusting is more homogeneous.

I also advise you to preventively pour a little diatomaceous earth in the bottom of the hens' nests.

This trick also works to get rid of dog fleas, especially in his basket. Check out the trick here.

Why does it work?

Diatomaceous earth is a natural pesticide, insecticide and pest control.

It is made up of very hard and very sharp fossilized remains of algae which do not give parasites a chance.

Don't worry, it's not at all dangerous for the chickens.

Diatomaceous earth absorbs the bodily fluids of parasites causing them to die very quickly.

Be careful not to get diatomaceous earth in the chickens' eyes.

How to Eliminate Lice on Hens (Easy and Natural).