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2 Vet Tips to Eliminate Fleas and Ticks from the Dog Bed.

2 Vet Tips to Eliminate Fleas and Ticks from the Dog Bed.

Dog kennels are real nests for fleas, but also for ticks !

It is essential to clean them regularly.

Otherwise, hello odors and parasites that become encrusted...

Fortunately, my veterinarian gave me 2 effective tips to disinfect and eliminate parasites in the dog's bed.

To say goodbye to fleas and ticks, use the diatomaceous earth or baking soda and salt . Look, it's easy and super effective :

2 Vet Tips to Eliminate Fleas and Ticks from the Dog Bed.

  • 1. Diatomaceous earth
  • 2. Bicarbonate + salt
  • Result

1. Diatomaceous earth

Ingredients: 1/4 glass of diatomaceous earth per square meter.

To get rid of parasites, generously sprinkle diatomaceous earth in the dog's bed.

Also remember to sprinkle it on all the spaces where your pet is used to sleeping.

Don't forget to put some even in the little nooks and crannies to leave nothing to chance.

Thanks to the power of diatomaceous earth, fleas and ectoparasites are eliminated and die quickly by desiccation.

Another advantage, diatomaceous earth absorbs moisture, traces of urine and mold. Two birds with one stone;-)

Good to know: this treatment works as well in curative mode to eliminate the parasites, as in preventive mode to prevent them from squatting the niche.

2. Bicarbonate + salt

2 Vet Tips to Eliminate Fleas and Ticks from the Dog Bed.

Ingredients: 1 glass of baking soda, 1 glass of salt.

In a container, mix the baking soda and salt.

Then spread this mixture on all the places where your dog or cat sleeps.

For example, put it on carpets, rugs and blankets where your pet squats.

Now let it act for 24 hours. Fleas, ticks and other parasites will not resist.

After this time, you just have to vacuum to eliminate them permanently.


There you go, you now know the 2 best methods to remove fleas and ticks from the dog's bed :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Know that these two tricks work for dogs as well as for cats or any other pet.

Try any of these methods and see how effective it is at getting rid of pests without using chemicals and without breaking the bank.

These 2 natural treatments are obviously safe for your hairball.