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4 tips to unlearn unwanted behavior from the dog

Dogs learn how to behave the way humans react to their behavior. If the dog's behavior is a problem, it's probably because his family has reinforced problem behavior by giving attention to stop the problem, often unknowingly. Small changes in your behavior can lead to big improvements in your pet's manners. Below are 4 tips to get rid of unwanted behavior from your dog.

1. Practice basic skills every day. Dogs learn through repetition, so practice is essential to establish and maintain behavior. Work every day with train commands in everyday situations:for example, practice "wait" when feeding, or "drop" while playing with the ball.

2. Don't reward bad behavior. If a dog is rewarded for begging at the dinner table, they learn that begging at the table results in nourishment. Also, a puppy who is picked up every time he barks learns that barking is a good way to get attention. Instead, ignore problem behavior or create a distraction.

3. Be consistent. It is important that all members of the family use the same words and rewards, otherwise it will confuse the dog. If "sit" is the command used to keep the dog from jumping on anyone, it's important that everyone in the household uses this command - including the children.

4. Don't blame age for bad manners. Puppy behavior such as jumping or chewing around the house will not improve on its own. Dogs, regardless of age, learn all the time, so it's important to start puppy training right away.