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The Importance of Flea and Tick Control in Pets

The tick and flea season has started again. These pests not only irritate our cats and dogs, but they also serve as carriers that spread a myriad of diseases between animals. These diseases are transmitted by parasites that carry bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. These diseases can be dangerous, but pets can usually avoid them with preventative medications.

The most common disease-causing flea is common cat fleas, which can spread disease to both cats and dogs. Fleas transmit bacterial pathogens, so most flea-borne diseases can be treated with antibiotics.

Most of the life cycle of cat fleas happens in the living environment and then they are very adapted to our household, finding a perfect place to live in crevices in the floor and carpets. Adequate flea control programs should ensure that the fleas found on pets and the environment are removed to prevent subsequent infestations.

In addition to spreading pathogens, fleas can also cause anemia and severe itching in pets. Some dogs can also develop flea allergy dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction to the flea saliva.

Some fleas can even carry tapeworms, which live in the small intestines of pets but rarely cause symptoms. Dogs and cats can get these tapeworms if they ingest an infected flea during grooming.

Like fleas, ticks can also transmit bacterial pathogens to a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, horses, livestock and deer. Tick ​​control is important not only to care for pets, but also to avoid a transmission cycle where the pathogens can be passed on to the people in the household.

Ticks can transmit many diseases to pets, including Lyme disease. Most of the clinical signs associated with tick-borne diseases are lethargy, fever, weight loss, joint pain and swelling, weakness, enlarged spleen or lymph nodes, and changes in gingival staining.

For both fleas and ticks, there are several options for repelling these pests. Consult your vet to find the best option for your pet and remember that dog meds can be dangerous or even fatal to cats.

With the help of medicines against fleas and ticks, your pet can get through the summer and be free of parasites and the diseases that come with them.