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This is how you keep your pets safe and healthy during the summer days

Summer has arrived and the coming weeks will take their toll on pets and people. Our dogs suffer from the heat and humidity just like us. We need to take steps to protect them from common summer health problems, such as heat exhaustion, dehydration and parasites. With these tips you can keep your dog healthy, even in extreme heat.

Prevent heat exhaustion and dehydration.
While puppies and senior dogs are most at risk, any pet can be the victim. To avoid these problems:

* Make sure pets have a shaded area outside where they can get out of the sun. On very hot days, keep pets indoors in an air-conditioned room or a fan.

* Do not train a dog in the afternoon heat. Keep walking short between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM; take longer walks in the cooler early morning or evening hours.

* Keep fresh water available all day long.

Protection against skin irritation and parasites. A pet's coat provides protection from the sun and parasites. It also creates a layer of insulation to keep the cool air close to the skin. That is why coat care is so important in the summer.

* Brush the pet's coat regularly to prevent matting, which can cause hot spots, and shampoo often to remove dust and mold spores that can cause skin irritation.

* Use a flea and tick prevention product to keep parasites at bay.

* Don't go overboard with summer hairstyles. Unless a coat is poorly matted, it's best not to shave it. A professional groomer can recommend the right haircut for each dog's breed and lifestyle.

When it comes to summer heat, if you're feeling uncomfortable, you should assume your dog feels that too. But with just a few precautions like these, you can keep your pet safe and comfortable all season long.