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Here's how to keep your pets safe during the back-to-school season

When we go back to structured school days and a daily schedule, all members of the household feel the shift, even pets. Pets go from long days with the family in the yard to less time and activities with their favorite people. Keep them in mind as you plan the days to make sure they get the activity they need and stay in a safe environment. Check out our tips here.

Keep an eye on the door Going from all-day adventures with kids to long hours away can make your pet feel bored and lonely. If your dog is up for a little adventure, following his or her friends outside may seem like a reasonable solution. Make it a safe activity that both dogs and children can look forward to by putting your dog on a leash and taking him/her along to say goodbye to the kids.

Store lunches and treats safely
While homework and paper may not appeal to all dogs, snacks or packed lunches can generate more interest. An easy way to divert your pet's attention while preparing and packing bread and treats is to give the dog a healthy snack.

Keep the backpacks closed with zipper
You never know what you'll find in a kid's backpack. Besides the basic things, such as notebooks, pens and pencils, there is always a chance to find food scraps. Because dogs are known for sticking their noses where they don't belong, it's important to zip up school bags and keep them out of their reach.

Store wires and cords
From laptops and tablets to earbuds and chargers, tech devices are essential during the school year. While kids are busy doing homework, your dog's attention can be focused on these gadgets at any time, so keep cords and wires away and devices atop tables and desks or in their protective covers when not in use. .