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17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Because of global warming, we see more and more bedbugs. ..

Including the famous devil bugs !

These bugs are best known for the smell they produce when they feel in danger.

But the real problem with bedbugs is that they like to sneak into our homes...

Especially during periods of extreme cold, to spend the winter warm.

Be aware that green and devilish bugs are not dangerous.

But because of their smell, no one wants to end up with an infestation of bedbugs...

Fortunately, here are 17 simple and effective tips to prevent bedbugs from invading your garden and get rid of them . Watch:

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

  • What is the difference between a green stink bug and a devil stink bug?
  • 17 tips to get rid of bedbugs
  • 1. Seal the cracks around your home
  • 2. Seal doors and windows
  • 3. Turn off exterior lights
  • 4. Eliminate damp areas around the house
  • 5. Don't leave food lying around in the kitchen
  • 6. Ventilate the damp areas of the house
  • 7. Maintain and weed the garden around the house
  • 8. Avoid crushing them
  • 9. Use a vacuum cleaner
  • 10. Use a homemade white vinegar spray
  • 11. Grow "martyr plants"
  • 12. Make a DIY trap
  • 13. Make a neem oil spray
  • 14. Use garlic repellent
  • 15. Peppermint
  • 16. Use a DIY bed bug repellent in soapy water
  • 17. Make a hot pepper spray

What is the difference between a green bug and a devil bug?

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

The species that we see the most in gardens in France?

It's the green thumbtack (Nezara virudula ), also called wood bug.

It is green in the spring to hide in the foliage. In autumn, it takes on a brown color.

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

The diabolic bug or Asian bug (Halyomorpha halys ) has been talking a lot about her lately.

It looks a lot like the green bug, but brown-gray in color and with dark spots.

Reported in France since 2012, it presents a real problem for gardeners, as it devours crops.

17 tips to get rid of bedbugs

Want to prevent green stink bugs and stink bugs from invading your home?

Bedbugs have a knack for sneaking into all small spaces.

But often they don't know how to get out of it!

This means you can quickly find yourself with a small, well-hidden community somewhere in your home.

The solution is to protect your home , both inside and out.

Your mission is to prevent green and evil bugs from inviting themselves into and around your home.

You see what I mean ? Very good!

So here are 17 natural (and easy) tricks to scare away and keep bedbugs at bay. Watch:

1. Seal the cracks around your home

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

These insects love heat and sunlight.

When the temperatures start to drop, they look for a warm place to hibernate.

They try to take refuge in walls or in unoccupied spaces, such as basements and attics.

So what's the first thing to do?

To effectively control garden bugs, you must block all access to your home.

Including holes and cracks through which insects can easily infiltrate your home.

Take the time to inspect the exterior of your home and identify all potential access points.

In particular, try to identify any visible cracks or openings, for example:

- cracks in exterior wall coverings,

- gaps around doors and windows,

- gaps around pipes and cables,

- rear part of the chimneys,

- roof edges,

- any other opening.

Once you've spotted the cracks, holes, and gaps, patch them up!

Most often, you can seal them with a good silicone sealant suitable for outdoors, like this one.

2. Seal doors and windows

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Check window frames, door frames, wood siding, and even areas around electrical outlets and light fixtures.

Again, bedbugs love heat.

So pay special attention to areas that are frequently exposed to the sun.

Make necessary repairs to seal possible entry points.

Remember:Green and Devil Bedbugs can enter your home through any opening, including the smallest ones.

For example, you may have damaged screens on your windows or doors.

If so, it's time to repair or replace them!

Also, don't forget to inspect the caulking joints and mortar around doors and windows.

If necessary, you can also seal the gap between the floor and the bottom of the door with a door seal, like this one.

3. Turn off exterior lights

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Green and devilish stink bugs are attracted to light.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to limit your outdoor lighting as much as possible.

In the evening, remember to turn off the lights on the terrace and your other outdoor lights.

Similarly, close the shutters and blinds on your windows to prevent light from spilling outside.

You can also replace your exterior bulbs with yellow bulbs or sodium vapor lamps.

Indeed, the light spectrum of these lamps is much less attractive to insects.

Sodium vapor lamps have a color that tends towards yellow.

They are often used to reduce light pollution in large cities.

4. Eliminate damp areas around the house

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Pests, including stink bugs, are attracted to moist areas.

By removing damp spots around your home, you reduce the risk of a pest invasion.

Remember to repair leaks garden hoses, water inlets and clogged drains.

5. Don't leave food lying around in the kitchen

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

To get rid of bedbugs, it is important to cut off their access to food .

For example, green and devilish bugs love fruit, especially ripe fruit.

If you have a fruit basket on your counter, it may attract them to your house.

Put your food in jars or airtight containers.

Also remember to regularly throw away your rubbish, and in a well-sealed bin.

Don't leave dirty dishes lying around in the sink as this can attract insects, including green and stinkbugs.

Also be sure to wipe down counters and sweep floors to remove crumbs and food residue.

6. Ventilate the damp areas of the house

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

To prevent bedbug infestations, ventilate the air in unoccupied spaces your home, including:

- the cellar,

- the attic,

- the garage and

- the crawl space.

If possible, you can even use a dehumidifier in these areas.

Click here to discover the trick to make a homemade dehumidifier.

Also consider installing mosquito nets on the air outlets of your chimney and the ventilation grilles of the attic.

7. Maintain and weed the garden around the house

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Are you a fan of gardening?

Be aware that green and devilish stink bugs are attracted to garden vegetables.

But they are also fond of fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and even weeds.

They are known to devour all parts of plants, including sap, flowers, buds, fruits or vegetables.

You will have understood:there is a good chance that your garden contains interesting plants for green or diabolical bugs.

This is why it is essential to maintain your garden properly .

Prune the branches of trees and shrubs around your house.

Got a bunch of firewood?

Take care to store your wood at least six meters from the house, and 10 cm from the ground.

8. Avoid crushing them

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Stink bugs and stink bugs are harmless to humans .

However, many people make the mistake of crushing them.

When they feel in danger (or if you crush them), garden bugs have a fearsome defense system.

They secrete a foul odor, thanks to their odoriferous glands.

If you come across a bedbug indoors, it is best to do not scare or crush it .

Instead, you can use a sheet of paper to carry it outside.

9. Use a vacuum cleaner

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Have green or evil bugs ever entered your home?

A trick to get rid of it permanently is to use your vacuum cleaner.

But be careful, after vacuuming the bedbugs, immediately dispose of the vacuum bag .

Otherwise, they risk secreting their famous foul odor.

It leaves a residue inside the bag that can stink up the whole house.

10. Use a homemade white vinegar spray

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Looking for a quick and cheap way to get rid of green or devilish stink bugs?

Just mix hot water, white vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle.

And there you have it, an effective and safe anti-bedbug spray for your family or animals.

Quick to make, it leaves no traces and costs almost nothing.

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 50 cl of hot water

- 25 cl of white vinegar

- 10 cl of washing-up liquid

How to:

- Put the ingredients in the spray bottle, in the following order:hot water, white vinegar and washing up liquid at the end.

- In this order you will avoid the formation of foam.

- Once all the ingredients are in the spray bottle, put the nozzle back.

- Gently swirl the bottle to mix the ingredients.

- Spray this mixture directly on bedbugs in your home, which will quickly eliminate them.

The advantage is that the ingredients of this formula are also daily cleaning products.

So there's no risk of dirtying your house, apart from a tiny bit of drying at the end.

11. Grow "martyr plants"

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Here, the idea is to plant species or varieties of plants that attract bedbugs .

These varieties are “sacrificed” to garden bugs, so that they leave your other plants alone.

So the bedbugs have a place where they can congregate, well away from your vegetable patch and your home.

Martial stink bugs and green stink bugs particularly like the following plants:

- catnip or nepeta (catnip)
- sunflower
- mustard
- millet
- garlic
- lavender

Plant these varieties of plants as far away from your other crops and your home as possible.

Another advantage is that these plants will also attract a greater number of the bed bug's natural predators.

This will help you get rid of them even easier.

12. Make a DIY Trap

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

The advantage of these homemade traps is that they do not contain any pesticides.

However, they are only effective for small bedbug infestations.

What you need:

- a saucepan or other container

- soapy water

- desk lamp

How to:

- Fill the pot with soapy water.

- Put the pot of soapy water under the desk lamp.

- Place this trap where stink bugs are likely to congregate.

The green and devilish bugs will start coming towards the pan, after about 12 hours.

And the soapy water will take care of the rest.

To attract bedbugs to where you have set your trap, it is recommended to use a desk lamp with white, black or blue light .

13. Make a neem oil spray

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Green and devilish bedbugs give off a foul smell?

So, give them back their own coin!

Bedbugs hate the smell of neem oil.

This vegetable oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree, a tree that grows in India.

Neem oil has powerful repellent properties .

It is also considered a 100% natural insecticide.

This means that neem oil is very effective against green and stink bugs.

Its great advantage? Unlike commercial insecticides, neem oil does not contain any chemical additives that are harmful to health.

And again, because it's 100% natural, it's safe to use.

Neem oil is even renowned for its skin benefits. Not bad for an insecticide!

Neem oil will act by disrupting the food instinct of bedbugs.

As a result, the bedbugs will starve themselves, and they will no longer lay eggs.

Here is the homemade recipe to make your DIY neem oil spray.

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 1 liter of hot water

- 1 to 2 teaspoons of neem oil

How to:

- Mix neem oil and hot water in the spray bottle.

- Spray this mixture on and around access points in your home, including window sills, door frames and wall cracks.

- Also spray areas around and inside the house where bedbugs tend to congregate.

Be aware that neem oil does not have an immediate effect.

Over the long term, you should see a big decrease in the number of bedbugs around and inside your home.

This formula is also safe to use inside your home.

But be careful, if you already have bedbugs inside your house, remember to regularly rid your house of dead or crushed bedbugs.

14. Use garlic repellent

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Do you like the smell of garlic? Green bugs and devil bugs hate it.

There are two ways to use the repellent properties of garlic to keep bedbugs away from your home.

The first method is simply to chop some garlic.

Then put the minced garlic in cups and place them in places where bedbugs can enter your home.

The second method is to make a mixture of garlic powder and water .

This gives a natural repellent to spray around access points in your home.

This repellent is especially useful if you haven't had time to caulk cracks in walls and around doors and windows yet.

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 4 teaspoons minced or powdered garlic

- 50 cl of water

Of course, you can also use this spray on your clothes as a repellent.

This will repel green stink bugs, stink bugs and many other insects.

But be careful, you may also reject some of your friends!

15. Peppermint

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Maybe you prefer to use a repellent that repels bedbugs, instead of an insecticide that permanently eliminates them?

And maybe spraying a garlic-based mixture isn't really your thing either?

So, the solution to keep green or devil bugs away from your home is to use mint.

Indeed, like garlic, mint also has repellent properties.

Its powerful smell can therefore help you repel bedbugs, but WITHOUT killing them .

Here is the recipe for Peppermint Bed Bug Spray.

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 50 cl of water

- 10 drops of peppermint essential oil (or 2 teaspoons of crushed peppermint leaves)

How to:

- Mix water and peppermint (essential oil or crushed fresh leaves) in the spray bottle.

- Spray this mixture on and around access points in your home.

Thanks to this natural repellent, you will quickly notice a reduction in the number of bedbugs in your home.

To discover: 33 Amazing Uses of Peppermint Essential Oil.

16. Use a DIY bed bug repellent in soapy water

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Dishwashing liquid is particularly effective in eliminating green stink bugs and stink bugs.

Indeed, it destroys and dries out the exoskeleton of bedbugs .

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 40 cl of mild dishwashing liquid

- 1 liter of hot water

How to:

To use, simply spray soapy water directly on the bedbugs.

The most recommended option is to use a mild dishwashing liquid.

This will quickly eliminate bedbugs, but without risk of damaging your home and without risk to your health.

In addition, soapy water is very quick to prepare, and it is a safe, natural and effective method.

And I'm willing to bet you already have all the ingredients at home!

17. Make a hot pepper spray

17 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily.

Looking for a way to permanently get rid of green or devilish bedbugs?

The natural trick to making an effective bed bug repellent is to soak hot peppers in water .

So you get a powerful hot pepper solution that instantly kills bedbugs.

This is due to capsaicin, the organic compound that gives peppers their characteristic pungent taste.

In humans, capsaicin has amazing benefits.

But in green and devilish bugs, the capsaicin in chili peppers acts quickly and destroys their exoskeleton.

What you need:

- spray bottle

- 5 hot peppers

- 50 cl of water

How to:

- Cut the peppers into large pieces.

- Put the peppers and water in the spray bottle.

- Let this mixture macerate.

- Spray this mixture directly on bedbugs.

Warning: be very careful when handling the peppers.

Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes or face!