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20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's is to see flies flying all over the house.

On the one hand I find them ugly, on the other hand it's frankly infuriating.

Well today, I show you how to get rid of it effectively and especially naturally.

The proof, with a few tricks from grandmother from behind the faggots, I can no longer be bothered at all.

No more unbearable bzzz when I take a nap. I finally have no more flies in the house!

Are you interested in knowing how I do without using harmful commercial products?

Discover 20 fly repellent solutions without using chemicals such as insecticides:

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

  • Why do flies enter houses?
  • Natural fly killers and effective repellents
  • 1. Basil
  • 2. The laurel
  • 3. Lemon Balm
  • 4. Tansy
  • 5. Citronella geranium
  • 6. Pouliot mint
  • 7. Marigolds
  • 8. Lemon grass
  • 9. Lemongrass essential oil
  • 10. Geranium essential oil
  • 11. Peppermint essential oil
  • 12. Lavender essential oil
  • 13. Camphor essential oil
  • 14. Eucalyptus essential oil
  • 15. Clove
  • 16. Garlic
  • 17. White vinegar
  • 18. Apple cider vinegar
  • 19. Venus flytrap
  • 20. Drosera capensis
  • Conclusion

Why do flies enter houses?

Clearing flies is good, but not attracting them is even better!

And to achieve this, nothing could be more basic:keep your home clean!

Flies are in fact irresistibly attracted to humidity and all kinds of dirt or food scraps.

The kitchen and bathroom are perfect targets for flies in homes.

Special care must therefore be taken to leave these nickel coins .

More generally, to stop the proliferation of flies, follow the basic principles below:

- Do the dishes immediately after each meal and clean the kitchen.

- Do not leave any food leftovers such as bread crumbs.

- Put the food in tightly closed boxes such as Tupperware.

- Take out your garbage cans regularly and put the lid on them.

- Quickly drain the dishwater that stagnates in the sink.

- Thoroughly clean grease deposits on the range hood, stove and the like.

- Wash and let the vents breathe. Ditto for the air vents.

Natural anti-flies and effective repellents

Flies aren't just annoying.

They also carry with them a lot of bacteria that can cause diseases!

And when I say not bad, the word is weak...

That's almost 1 million bacteria crawling on the hairs of a single house fly!

Just by reading this sentence, I'm sure you left to buy an industrial fly spray.

Above all, do not use this type of very toxic product !

Their composition is not only very polluting for the planet, but above all very dangerous for your health.

Also, don't forget that when you spray this poison in your home, it gets on your carpets, furniture and more.

So you keep breathing those harmful smells long after!

But fortunately, very effective natural alternatives exist.

No need for chemicals to repel flies, a few plants and grandmother's recipes are enough. Look.


Some plants and flowers are real natural fly repellents.

Just put it near doors, windows or even inside your home for it to work.

Their smells literally scare flies away.

1. Basil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Do you like to smell good fresh basil? Well, flies don't.

They hate that smell; so it's perfect to keep them away from your home.

In addition, this plant has many virtues.

It is, among other things, antibacterial, antiviral and makes the atmosphere healthier.

A plant that is both good for your health and anti-fly, what more could you ask for!

Check out the trick here.

2. The laurel

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Scatter some laurel around your house and drive the flies away.

Flies hate this smell.

In addition, the laurel helps to feel good at home.

3. Lemon balm

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Lemon balm has it all.

Its lemony scent not only repels flies, but also mosquitoes and aphids.

In addition, it is a perennial plant, that is, it lives more than 2 years.

4. Tansy

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Ever heard of tansy?

No, it's not a country, but a plant that acts as a natural insect repellent.

It is also very pretty and is perfect as a decoration in your home or in your garden.

5. Citronella geranium

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

If you had a doubt, the lemongrass geranium is not a classic geranium on which we add lemon juice!

You never know...

From its scholarly name Pelargonium citrosum, this geranium with small pale pink flowers gives off very pleasant scents.

Very nice for us, but really not for the flies who hate this plant!

This flower is also effective against mosquitoes.

6. Pouliot mint

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Known since antiquity as a medicinal plant, mentha pulegium is an excellent fly repellent.

It also repels many harmful insects.

7. Marigolds

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Marigolds have a very characteristic smell that is not really pleasant (a little sour and acidic).

But that's perfect for scaring away those pesky flies.

8. Lemon grass

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

You've never heard of lemon grass, have you?

Well it's just... lemongrass (I just wanted to be interesting).

In any case, this lemony scent is perfect for keeping flies away.


Essential oils have many benefits.

Antibacterial and antiviral, they purify the ambient atmosphere while acting as a natural insect repellent .

Diffuse these essential oils with an atomizer or heat diffuser to get rid of flies.

Small precaution nevertheless.

Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, or suffer from high blood pressure.

9. Lemongrass essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

The magic formula to use to obtain an excellent repellent based on citronella EO is as follows:

Pour 12 drops of lemongrass EO in 60 ml of hot water.

Shake the tank and spray the solution around the house with a spray bottle.

Other solution. Dip cotton balls in lemongrass EO and place them around windows, balconies and terraces.

10. Geranium essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Arm yourself with a vaporizer and pour 8 drops of geranium HE and 10 ml of hot water into the reservoir.

Spray the solution all over the house to knock out flies (pun intended).

11. Peppermint essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Show a bottle of peppermint essential oil to a fly and it will run away (well, fly).

And if some are still being reckless, draw the deadly weapon.

Put 12 drops of peppermint EO and 50 ml of hot water in a spray bottle.

Spray the solution all over the house insisting well near the entrances.

And don't forget that peppermint can be used for lots of other things.

12. Lavender essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

If there is one essential oil to have at home, it is lavender.

Useful in many areas, it is even used to repel flies.

Wet a cloth in undiluted lavender essential oil and put it in a glass jar.

Close the jar with its lid and leave to act for 24 hours.

Remove the lid and place the jar where the most flies are.

You have just created an ultra-effective fly repellent!

You just have to add a little lavender essential oil from time to time to keep repelling them.

13. Camphor essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Camphor essential oil is very powerful; it is also used to make tiger balm.

So imagine what it does against flies.

In a vaporizer, put 12 drops of camphor HE and 60 ml of hot water.

Spray this solution all over the house, paying particular attention near entrances.

14. Eucalyptus essential oil

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Prepare a few strips of fabric or ribbons and pour 12 drops of eucalyptus EO over them.

Hang them near your doors and windows to act as a natural barrier.


We all use spices for cooking.

Well, what you probably don't know is that spices are also used to scare away the flies!

So, might as well take advantage of it.

15. Clove

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Take a lemon, cut it in half and arrange 12 cloves on one half.

Place your clove lemon on a plate.

You just have to place it in one of the rooms of the house or near the windows to be quiet.

If you see flies reappear, substitute the lemon and cloves.

Another possibility; wrap a few cloves in a compress or in a muslin bag.

Then hang them in the most infested areas and you're done.

And you know what, cloves and lemons are also good against moths.

16. Garlic

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Garlic, I love it. I grow it myself and put it all over my dishes.

It's super good for your health. Even peelings can be used!

And to top it off, garlic is also a natural fly repellent.

Make a decoction of garlic, strain it, then pour the liquid into one or more containers (flat if possible).

Arrange them near windows to keep flies away.


You certainly use vinegar for your daily household chores.

It is true that this product is just great; it really serves to do everything.

Well, know that it is also a super effective natural fly repellent.

With white vinegar, you make flee away the flies very far .

As for cider vinegar, it attracts flies .

You see what I mean ? If I manage to attract them, it means that I can trap them!

17. White vinegar

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

To make a repellent using white vinegar, nothing could be simpler.

In the reservoir of a vaporizer, pour white vinegar with 10 drops of eucalyptus EO.

Spray this mixture outside near your doors and windowsto keep flies out.

Other method.

Pour white vinegar into a bowl after heating it then place it in the fly infested areas.

They leave immediately. Check out the trick here.

18. Apple cider vinegar

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Apple cider vinegar irresistibly attracts flies .

What interest are you going to tell me? I don't want to attract them, but be rid of them!

Well apple cider vinegar is just bait.

In a jar, pour heated apple cider vinegar and place the narrow side of a funnel in place of the lid.

You have just created a perfect fly trap. Flies enter through the hole and cannot come out again.

To be effective, place the trap in infested areas or where flies pass.

Also remember to replace this trap every day (its lifespan is indeed daily).


Do you want to combine business with pleasure? So take carnivorous plants.

Not only does it create quite a picturesque effect in your home, but it is especially useful for controlling flies.

Carnivorous plants are indeed remarkable bio-insecticides.

19. Venus flytrap

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

You don't know the Venus flytrap?

Also called "flycatcher", its nickname says a lot about its effectiveness!

Equipped with a jaw, woe to the insect that comes to rest on it, because it closes very quickly.

I don't know if you've seen this scene before, but it's pretty amazing.

This is called an active trap carnivorous plant.

The natural process is unstoppable.

The plant has small eyelashes which are like its antennae and which warn it of the presence of intruders.

This is where the trap closes!

But above all, don't panic; Venus flytrap is harmless to us, our children and pets.

Finally, know that the breeding of this plant is quite simple.

20. Drosera capensis

20 Remedies To Kill Flies WITHOUT Insecticides.

Unlike the Venus flytrap, the Dronera capensis has a so-called semi-active trap.

Through its hair, it secretes a liquid on its round or long leaves.

This liquid attracts flies and acts a bit like glue.

Do you understand the process? The fly remains stuck and cannot move.

Under these conditions, there is no need to hurry.

The leaf only has to retract on the insect to digest it!


There you go, you now know the natural solutions to scare away flies.

Simple, practical and effective, no!?

Of course, you can also use them against midges.

Some tips can even be applied around certain animals such as horses, donkeys, etc.

So before you go to Jardiland or Truffaut to buy very expensive products, think about it!