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Tired of Wasps When You Eat Out? The Tip for Being Quiet!

Tired of Wasps When You Eat Out? The Tip for Being Quiet!

Tired of wasps coming to the table when you eat out?

It is true that a wasp sting is always very painful. And if you are allergic, it can be even more serious.

So, how to keep wasps away and eat quietly with children without risk?

Fortunately, there is an effective trick that my grandmother passed on to me to keep wasps away.

The trick is to make a wasp trap with honey and water . Look:the recipe is very simple:

Tired of Wasps When You Eat Out? The Tip for Being Quiet!

How to

1. Cut the top off a plastic bottle.

2. Pour 25 cl of water into the bottom of the bottle.

3. Add 5 tablespoons of honey.

4. Now place the neck of the bottle upside down in the bottom of the bottle.

5. Put tape to hold the two pieces together.

6. Install your wasp bait about three meters from your table.


Tired of Wasps When You Eat Out? The Tip for Being Quiet!

There you go, the wasps will be trapped and you will be able to eat outside in peace :-)

No more risk of being bitten. Easy to make this natural trap, isn't it?

For your trap to be even more effective, place it in direct sunlight.

Why does it work?

Contrary to what one might think, wasps are not attracted to you!

What attracts them is the sweet smell of honey.

With this trap, they will enter through the neck of the bottle, but will not be able to come out.

Bonus tip

You can place your trap on the ground or on a table.

But if the wind might knock it over, hang it up high by attaching a tie around the bottle.

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick against wasps? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!