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This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

Watson has lived with his mistress Jennifer, in Washington, United States, since that he is so small.

She adopted him when he was just a puppy.

And we can say that this dog really has a good life!

This Golden Retriever, now 1.5 years old, is just one huge ball of love.

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

Jennifer then decided to adopt two more animals.

Unfortunately, these newcomers were quite anxious in this new environment.

Fortunately, Watson knew exactly how to reassure them!

Kiko, who is now 5 years old, joined the family about a year ago.

He had major anxiety issues. A lot of things in the house made him nervous, except for Watson.

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

"It's as if Watson knew that Kiko needed attention and tenderness. So, to calm him down, Watson started getting close to him regularly, like in the photo below".

"He just helped him get some confidence back," Jennifer said.

"Today Kiko still has some progress to make, but at least he feels a lot more comfortable at home".

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

Shortly after Kiko, Harry the cat arrived.

At first, Harry wasn't really accepted or cuddled by the other two dogs.

But there too, Watson quickly took matters into his own hands to mend relations.

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

You will understand, Watson is the king of hugs.

His temper is so calm that he has also converted Harry into doing it regularly.

"The three of them get along wonderfully and you can tell they really like each other," Jennifer said.

And, we can say that it shows! Watch:

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.

After cuddling his brothers, Harry decided he too should behave like them.

Now he acts like them. "He fetches his toy like Kiko and Watson, and like them, he likes to nap and eat," Jennifer said.

These three animals started life without a family, and now they learn to love and be loved every day.

This Dog Knows Exactly How To Calm His Brothers Anxiety.