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5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

Your dog is terrified of fireworks or thunder during a thunderstorm?

Then you know that comforting your four-legged friend can take hours...

You feel helpless and it breaks your heart not to be able to calm it down quickly.

Fortunately, there are quick and easy tips to calm a dog who becomes fearful or panicked.

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

  • 1. Show her your love
  • 2. Put on some music
  • 3. Use the Anti-Anxiety Bandage
  • 4. Divert his attention
  • 5. Give him a quiet refuge
  • 2 more tips

Here are 5 effective tips to calm your dog during a fireworks display or a thunderstorm . Watch:

1. Show her your love

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

Here's a common misconception:they say that giving attention to your dog when he's scared increases his fear.

It is completely false! In fact, quite the opposite is happening. You are the one who tells your dog the state of mind to adopt.

Ignoring your dog or forcing him to face his fear won't teach him anything. You should never, really ever, punish a dog for being scared. It would only make him even more fearful.

So, if you know that the sound of a thunderstorm or fireworks makes your dog anxious, take the opportunity to give him affection, while being calm and happy. This attitude will show him that you are there for him and he will feel more secure.

Pet him, cuddle him and massage your dog to soothe him and make him happy. Eventually, he should start associating the scary noises with something positive - your love and attention - and stop reacting with fear.

2. Put on some music

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

In addition to helping drown out the sound of thunder or fireworks, certain types of music calm dogs down. It's scientifically proven.

"Through a Dog's Ears" is a series of music CDs created especially for dogs who suffer from various anxieties. This type of music works very well for dogs who have anxiety during separations, or who are also nervous during car rides.

On the other hand, please, don't put headphones on his ears like in the photo, huh;-)

3. Use the Anti-Anxiety Bandage

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

These anti-anxiety coats, also called "Thundershirt", simply look like a tight dog shirt.

When properly fitted, they are designed to apply gentle, even pressure to certain points on the dog's body and instantly calm dogs.

Owners with a noise-stressed dog swear by these wrap-around coats. They provide immediate comfort to a frightened pup.

You can get a Thundershirt here or follow this tutorial to make an anxiety bandage for your dog.

4. Divert his attention

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

When there are fireworks, it's the perfect time to get your dog's toys out and have fun with them.

Why ? Because this entertainment will help him distract himself and think about other things until the noises disappear completely.

In addition, thanks to this trick, your dog will gradually associate these scary noises with a playful moment. Over time, he will become less fearful.

5. Give him a quiet refuge

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

If your dog heads for a corner of the house every time thunder rumbles, make that place a cozy kennel for him.

Put his blanket and his favorite toy in it. Also offer him a treat to chew on, homemade by following one of these recipes for example.

Also put on a background sound such as soft music. Let him enjoy this place for as long as he needs, until he finally feels ready to leave.

Many dogs find great comfort inside a crate or kennel during times of stress.

When your dog is scared, never force him to do something he doesn't like. Now is not the time to give him a bath or cut his nails! Do this at a time when he's calmer.

Associating an activity he doesn't like to do with fireworks will only reinforce his fear.

Tip: try using several of these tricks in combination with each other. What doesn't work with one dog may work with another. The goal is for your little dog to feel calm and comfortable.

2 more tips

5 Tricks To Instantly Calm Your Dog During Fireworks.

- Desensitization: sometimes, you can relieve your dog's fears by making him listen to thunder noises, when there is no storm outside.

Now all you have to do is find a CD with thunderstorm sounds or download thunderstorm or fireworks sounds.

Pass them at low volume first, while comforting your dog, with pleasant stimuli such as petting or treats.

Continue for a few minutes and repeat every day for several weeks.

Slowly increase the volume until you can crank it up like it's a real thunderstorm and your dog stays calm and happy.

This gradual exposure, along with pleasurable stimuli like petting and playing, will eventually reduce your pooch's anxiety.

Know that this technique works very well for many dogs.

- Medicines and natural therapies: as a dog owner, you don't really want to give drugs to allay your dog's fears.

But in some extreme cases, don't forget that giving medicine can still be better for your health than doing nothing.

Speak to your veterinarian who will recommend medication to relieve your dog's anxiety.

For milder cases, you can try lavender essential oils, flower extracts, or homeopathic formulas to help calm your dog.

For example, this homeopathic veterinary remedy will calm your dog.

Many dogs also respond well to pheromone collars, sprays or diffusers, designed to calm anxiety.