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Dog Who's Afraid of Noise? The Simple Trick To Instantly Reassure Him.

Dog Who s Afraid of Noise? The Simple Trick To Instantly Reassure Him.

Dogs are afraid of fireworks, firecrackers, thunderstorms and all sudden loud noises.

If a dog is startled by one of these noises, he can run away at full speed and get lost.

Fortunately, there is a tried and tested trick to quickly reassure dogs who are afraid of loud noises.

For this, it is enough to wrap it in a bandage. Thanks to the light pressure exerted by the fabric, your dog will feel safe.

Here's how to make this simple bandage to make your dog feel protected and reassured. Look, it's easy:

Dog Who s Afraid of Noise? The Simple Trick To Instantly Reassure Him.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips


How to

1. Start by passing the tape over the dog's chest.

2. Cross her over her shoulder blades.

3. Pass the two ends under the dog, crossing them again.

4. Pull both ends of the tape up the dog's back.

5. Now tie a knot in the back.


There you go, your dog will now feel safe even during fireworks and sudden loud noises :-)

Additional advice

You should be able to get your fingers easily under the bandage.

If your dog doesn't seem to like this technique, remove the bandage.

Your dog should not wear this bandage more than 2 or 3 times a day, for a maximum of 15 minutes each time.