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Use a Bra to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks.

Use a Bra to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks.

Dogs hate fireworks!

The incessant explosions scare them...

As a result, they may run away from home and have an accident.

Fortunately, there is a trick to calm him down and prevent him from being terrified on July 14 and New Year's Day.

The trick is to have him put one of your bras over his ears . Look how it calms my dog ​​:

Use a Bra to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Take one of your bras.

2. Place it over your dog's ears.

3. Fasten the bra.


There you go, with this trick your dog should be much calmer during the fireworks :-)

No more scared, barking and running around the house!

Preferably use a bra with your scent on as this will also calm him down more.

The bra works for my dog ​​as it decreases the sound of explosions.

Plus, since the bras are soft, I think it calms him down too.

If this trick isn't enough to calm him down, I suggest you also put an anti-anxiety bandage on him like this. Check out the trick here.