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5 ways to show your dog love

You absolutely love your dog and you are not afraid to show it. But all the treats, toys, clothes and comfortable beds can't let your dog know how special he or she is to you. Sure, he appreciates all that stuff, but to convey love for your dog, you need to speak his/her language. Here are a few ways you can express your real feelings for your dog so that he or she understands.

1. Rub behind the ears
Have you ever scratched behind your dog's ears and found that he/she is leaning into your hand and slowly drifting into some kind of doggy trance? That's because ear rubbing feels good for your dog. A dog's ears are full of nerve endings that send impulses throughout the body, releasing endorphins. These hormones act as pain relievers and are natural "drugs" that are also released when dogs feel love. When you show your affection for your dog with ear rubbing, you can be sure they get the message.

2. Try hand-feeding your dog
Some experts recommend hand-feeding your dog, especially with puppies. Not only does this show your dog that you are a food provider, but it is an intimate experience and creates a strong bond between you and your dog. As your dog gets older, you'll probably do it less, but giving a treat during training is still a great way to show your dog that you care.

3. Just tell them you love him/her
A study has shown that dogs do indeed understand us. The dog was studied in an MRI scanner which showed that they experienced the greatest happiness when they heard not only a praising tone, but also words of praise. This suggests that they not only listen to our tone of voice, but also interpret meaning from words. So sometimes it's just a good way to express your love by just telling your dog how you feel.

4. Train your dog Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to convey your love, and training your dog will give you that opportunity and only make your bond stronger. The dog will see that when he works with you, he makes you happy, and your rewards will make him happy in return. When you both work to make each other happy, you both show your love for each other.

5. Learn what your dog is saying
Did you know that many dogs don't like to be cuddled? And sometimes they are not excited to meet your friends or strangers. Dogs can express a lot through body language if you know what to look for. By learning how dogs communicate, you can reduce the amount of times they get stressed and make them feel comfortable. This will increase their trust in you and build a loving relationship. If you are their protector, leader and friend, you can be sure that your dog will feel all the love.