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Signs You And Your Partner Are Ready To Get A Dog

You are in a relationship and things are going pretty well. You probably live together and you are thinking about getting a dog. But how do you know when you're both ready for this? After all, having a pet, especially a dog, is a big responsibility. Below are some important things to consider before taking the next step together.

1. You both want a dog
If one of you wants a dog and the other doesn't, that won't work. Owning a dog is a day job. The dog needs to be trained, especially when it comes to discipline and setting boundaries, being walked and much more. So if one of you isn't behind it, think twice.

2. You have the time You have to spend a lot of time with a dog. You have to feed it, walk it and they also need your presence. They are social beings. They need you to play with them, train with them, bond, and be a part of their lives. If you travel a lot, work long hours, and go out regularly, this is not an ideal situation. You can no longer just leave the house for a longer period of time. Otherwise you will have to take them with you or arrange for a nanny. You have to get up to let them out and feed them. ​

3. You have the energy
You should consider whether you and your partner have enough energy to meet your dog's needs. A dog should have an energy level equal to or below your own. If you have a dog with a lot of energy and it's not in you, all that unused energy can turn into unwanted behavior and discipline problems. In addition, you should also consider how you will feel if you are a very calm person and you adopt a super hyper pet, or vice versa.

4. You have the money
Dogs are expensive. They need food, toys, vaccinations, baskets and much more. A dog can also get all kinds of diseases, which means high vet bills. It's definitely an investment for dog lovers, but you have to be able to make that investment to be a responsible dog owner.

5. It is not compensation for a baby
If you take a dog as a test for a baby, that's all wrong. Owning a dog is not a reliable indicator of whether you will be good parents. Having children is just something completely different. No animal can prepare you for it.

6. You have a stable home situation
If you don't have a home for a long time, and you move from one house to another, you should think very carefully about this. Maybe you are not allowed to have a dog at all at your next home, what then? Moreover, a dog needs stability and that also means a permanent place.

7. Your relationship is stable
A dog is for the long term. If you often break up and then get back together, it's not a good idea to have one. This one will suffer. And if the two of you really break up, who will the dog be with? If you both take care of it, you'll be in contact with him for more than 10 years. So think carefully about whether your relationship is okay.