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Signs Your Dog Is Lonely

Your dog won't necessarily show his feelings, so it's not easy to tell if he's feeling lonely. Dogs are social creatures and need a community just like humans. They thrive on company and love the presence of people and other pets. That is why you notice that your dog is looking outside all the time. He likes to look out the window at birds and other dogs. Here are the signs that your dog is lonely.

What tells you that your furry friend needs more attention than you've given him? These are the ways they can vent their frustrations.
* You might come home and find chewed slippers and threads. You are greeted by a dirty floor and your couch is in a complete mess.
* Your dog may behave anxious if you leave him alone for too long.
* Your dog may express his frustrations by barking excessively .
* Your dog may also begin to avoid you when you call his name.
* Your dog may lose interest in the activities he usually enjoys, such as long walks or fun at the beach.
* Your dog may eat or drink less.

How to help your dog cope with loneliness
* Let your dog look out the window. First of all, pets are very visual. They like to look out the window at other animals, so give them the chance to do so. It helps make the day go by quickly.

* Keep your lonely dog ​​busy. Take steps to keep your dog occupied. There are a large number of mind games that challenge the dog.

* Put on some music. YouTube can come in handy. Make a few playlists and they'll become the dog's favorite, too. Put them on before you leave the house.

* Give your dog a friend. Your pet's mood can improve with a new companion. Only buy a new puppy if it benefits him; don't get a new dog out of guilt. Please note that pets should also get along.

* Socialize your dog. It's time to pause and think. Does your dog go outside enough to play with other dogs? Take the dog to an exercise area regularly. If you don't have time to do this, take the dog on daily walks.

* If possible, go home during lunch. You can do this if you live near your workplace. Your dog will appreciate it.

* Train with your dog. Jog or bike with your dog. He will look forward to the activity and forget the times when you have to go to work.

* Talk to your vet. If your pet's situation doesn't improve, talk to the vet. There may be a cognitive or behavioral problem that only a therapist can solve.