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Tips for grooming your dog at home

Many dogs require regular grooming because they have long hair. But that can quickly add up to costs. For a small dog you pay about 50 euros each time, and they have to go to the salon 4 times a year. If you're on a budget, or have a dog that often needs to go to the groomer, don't worry, we've got some tips you can follow to groom your dog at home and save money.

Brush your dog
Start brushing your dog. Remove all tangles from the hair and locate the knots that need to be cut out. When brushing you can see which parts of the coat need the most attention. For example, a long haired dog tends to have more hair on their belly area and tail than their head and paws while a short haired dog has the same amount of hair all over the body. Many dogs have more hair around the ears. It is important to choose the right brush. If your dog has a very thick, hard-to-treat coat, purchase a special detangling brush. Make sure to brush your dog gently, without hurting him or her. If your dog has soft, oily hair, choose a brush with larger bristles, which will help remove excess oil and dirt.

Speak softly to your dog
Before you proceed, it is very important to speak softly to your dog before bathing him. Many dogs find bath time unpleasant and they may run, hide or howl when they realize it is time for their bath. Talk to your pet and assure him/her that you are not angry. It can make the dog more manageable.

Put the dog in the bath
Now it's time to bathe your dog. You can put him/her in the sink, the bathtub or a sink. Remember that the water should be lukewarm so you don't make your pet shiver or burn his/her skin. Before bathing, choose a special shampoo for dogs. When soaping, turn off the running water as it can make your pet more nervous. Avoid getting water and shampoo in your mouth, eyes, ears, and buttocks. After washing the skin, clean the eyes and ears with a warm cloth. Wash off the shampoo with lukewarm water and dry your dog with a large towel.

Use special scissors
If you have no experience, you should never use regular scissors. You can buy special scissors at the pet store. It will make grooming your dog much easier. Be careful around their face, especially eyes, stomach, bottom, toes and other sensitive areas.

Clean up
If you don't want the hair flying everywhere when you dry your pet, clean up all the hair after grooming. This may sound obvious, but many of us often forget this step and find dog hair all over the house.

Dry your dog Dogs don't like blow dryers and it might be the scariest part of grooming for them, but a blow dryer will help get the hair completely dry. Plus, it helps to get rid of the wet dog smell and plump up the hair. Keep brushing your dog while drying, as it will make the coat nicer and softer.

Give a reward Every professional groomer knows that a small reward is a must after grooming. Rewarding your dog will help them appreciate bath time. You can give your dog a hug and kiss, their favorite treat, or pet your dog and tell them he/she did well.