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Signs you're going a little overboard in your love for dogs

You love your dog and everyone knows it... but are you going a little too far? Are you a crazy dog ​​person? If you can identify with any of the items below, yes, then you may have crossed the line.

1. The hardest part of your day is figuring out which dog shirt to wear.

2. This is your life motto:The more people I meet, the more I love my dog.

3. Your dog was your bridesmaid at your wedding.

4. You stalk your dog when you are at work.

5. You are getting your dog ready for football season.

6. You spend more time (and money) picking out clothes for your dog than your own.

7. You always order a puppuccino (a free cup of whipped cream) for your dog when you go to Starbucks.

8. You have a dog bike trailer because a quick bike ride is WAY too long to leave your furry friend home alone.

9. And if you go for a long walk, you have a dog buggy.

10. You only eat at dog-friendly restaurants.

11. Things that are normal for children, are now for your dog...

12. … because your dog is your child.

13. You talk to your dog as if he or she is a person.

14. The amount of photos of your dog on your phone has gone from cute to downright bizarre.

15. You prefer to stay at home because you find it too painful to leave your dog at home alone.

16. You spend a lot of money on dog toys and beds that are either destroyed or left unused.

17. Speaking of spoiling your dog, you never forget to celebrate his or her birthday and you even throw a party and invite people over.