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Five essential tips for new puppies

Bringing home a new puppy is a fun and exciting time for everyone, but it's also important to expect what the cost will be. Having a puppy can cost a lot of money from the first year to the end. Unexpected accidents and illnesses also happen and it can get expensive if that were to happen. Having the essentials can help ease the financial aspect of bringing a puppy home. Pet owners should plan the following:

1. Good quality food:Read the ingredients to make sure the food is formulated for puppies and has meat as the first ingredient rather than food that is full of filling material.

2. Comfortable bedding:Make sure the puppy has a warm and quiet place to rest.

3. Treat &Toys:Treats are great training aids for a new puppy, but should not make up more than 5% of his or her daily diet. When a new puppy comes home, make sure you have some interactive toys to keep them occupied and help them amuse themselves.

4. Collar, ID tag, leash and chipping:safety is paramount. Chipping a pet can save their lives, and besides, it's mandatory. Having a collar, leash and name tag to identify the pet in case they get lost is also important.

5. Pet Insurance:Signing up a puppy for pet insurance will benefit pet owners financially over the course of their pup's life. It is best to register them early to avoid later conditions.
Pups are curious by nature and can get sick more easily due to their underdeveloped immune systems. Protecting them from costly accidents and illnesses while they are young is important.