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7 tips for new cat owners

There are many questions new cat owners have. Things that concern everything from feed to vaccination and castration. That is why we have listed seven tips for new cat owners here.

Checklist for new cat owners

1. Things to have at home
You need a litter box with new cat litter that likes to be a bit secluded, a claw board for the cat to sharpen its claws on and of course a food bowl and water bowl. Also feel free to make a separate place for the cat, such as a cat bed or other bed where the new family member can retreat if they want.

2. Cat home safe
Feel free to put away glass vases and other delicate things that could harm your kitten if they happen to fall over, and remove any carpets and textiles that you are particularly afraid of the first time. Also check your potted plants, some of our most common plants are poisonous to cats.

3. Housetraining the cat
Kittens are usually clean when they leave their mother. It is still important to help them find the toilet in their new home. Gently lift the kitten to the litter box and give it time to get used to it. Carry your kitten to the box after eating to avoid accidents. Clean the litter box often so it doesn't smell! Important: don't punish it if it went to the bathroom elsewhere in the house. Calmly say “no” and lift it to the litter box.

4. Don't forget the chip
It is very important that you get your little treasure chipped and then register it.

5. Choose food
The kitten sucks for the first few weeks. By the age of 12 weeks, once he has moved in with you, he has learned to eat solid foods. Then give the food that is specially adapted to small kittens and their nutritional needs. Look for the word “kitten” on the packaging.

6. Choose cat litter
Which cat litter is best for your little kitten is about what it enjoys. So try it out! But remember to choose as dust-free cat sand as possible so that the cat doesn't have to inhale dust when they dig in the sand. Cats can also be prone to asthma.

7. Sterilize the cat
When your little kitten is between 4-6 months old, it's good to spay it. This makes it quieter and above all you avoid unwanted kittens.