Has your cat been grumpy lately? It's a myth that going outside is a requirement for cats' happiness. Playing with a cat regularly and buying them fun toys can keep them stimulated and provide the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. Here are some tips for a happy cat.
Take the cat outside for a walk
Afraid your cat will run away or get run over by a car? Getting some fresh air doesn't necessarily mean you have to let the cat go outside alone. Being cooped up can be boring, even for small pets like cats. Take a leash and train your cat indoors to walk with it. If it's already used to it, the two of you can go outside, but make sure you do it where it won't be an easy target for dogs.
Leave the cat on the balcony or in the garden
If it is not possible to take your cat outside every day, you can let your cat go on the balcony or in the garden to be outside. Make sure it is well shielded.
Buy a scratching post
It is known that cats like to scratch. In addition, this activity allows them to stretch their backs. As for you, your bank will thank you later. Note your cat's favorite position when it starts to scratch. From this you can immediately see whether you should buy an upright scratching post or a scratching bed instead.
Let it practice its hunting skills
Cats are natural born hunters. Hide treats everywhere and let your cat find them alone.
Play with your cat
Play with your cat every day. Buy a variety of toys that allow your cat to stalk, chase, jump, and kick. When you are not there to supervise, remove the "toys" such as paper bags or cardboard boxes. Be sure to change the toys from time to time so that they appear “new” and more interesting to your cat.
Watch out for signs of health
How do you feel when you are sick? can you laugh? The same thing happens with your cat. The cat will behave differently when in pain. If you notice any sign of a health problem, such as an upset stomach or allergies, take it to the vet for needed treatment.
Feed the cat healthy food
Food will give your cat its energy. You may be able to get away with feeding your dog grains, but not a cat. They need more protein than dogs. Eating a lot of carbohydrates can lead to obesity. A heavy cat that cannot move or breathe properly is not a happy cat.
Clean the litter box regularly
Think you're the only one who doesn't want to use a smelly toilet? Your cat has that habit with his litter box, too. It may be an animal, but it's a flavorful animal that doesn't like a dirty litter box.
Bring in some grass
Cats like to eat grass if it feels that the stomach or intestines don't feel right. By doing this, it can help the cat get rid of trapped wastes such as inedible matter or hair in the digestive system. This would also make them feel a lot better because of the folic acid that is in grass.
Stick to routines
Routines are important because it makes your cat feel safer. Older cats, in particular, are very picky about the smallest changes that occur in their environment. When you change food or move into a new home, these can potentially cause stress in cats.
Have some quality time together
It's your pet. He wants to spend some time with you. Some cats like their tummy to be rubbed. Others are just happy to sit next to you. Your cat will let you know if scratching behind the ears or rubbing the back or stomach makes him happy by making that familiar purring sound.