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Cat faces hard to read, except for "cat whisperers"

Cats have a reputation for being difficult to read, but new research from the University of Guelph has shown that some people are true "cat whisperers" who excel at deciphering subtle differences in cat faces that reveal mood.

Women and those with veterinary experience were particularly good at recognizing cat expressions — even those who reported not feeling strong attachments to cats, the large study found.

The study recruited more than 6,300 people from 85 countries and asked to watch 20 short online videos of cats from a collection of 40 videos, mostly collected on YouTube, and complete online questionnaires.

The videos showed cats experiencing positive emotional states (situations the cats had sought out, such as petting or being given treats), or in negative states (such as experiencing health problems or being in situations that caused them to withdraw or flee). Each video focused on the cat's face – its eyes, muzzle and mouth. None of the cats showed expressions of fear, such as bared teeth or flattened ears, as these facial expressions are already widely understood.

The participants were asked to rate whether each cat was in a positive, a negative state, or whether they were unsure.

Most participants found the test challenging. Their average score was 12 out of 20 – slightly above chance. But 13 percent of the participants performed very well, scoring 15 or better correctly — a group the researchers informally referred to as "the cat whisperers."

These people were more likely to be women than men, and more vets or vet technicians. Younger adults also generally scored better than older adults.

“The fact that women generally outperformed men is consistent with previous research that has shown that women appear to be better at decoding nonverbal expressions of emotion, in both humans and dogs,” said Mason, who co-authored the study worked with post-doctoral researchers Jenna Cheal and Lauren Dawson.

Surprisingly, being a cat lover didn't make any difference as reporting a strong bond with cats didn't necessarily lead to a higher score.

The finding that some people are skilled at reading cat faces suggests that others can be trained to do so as well.

“This is important to be able to do because it could help strengthen the bond between owners and cats, improving cat care and well-being,” said Niel.