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7 Tips That Make Cats Have Fun

A cat that can use both the brain and the body is a happy cat. Spend some time each day doing an activity with the cat. Here are seven tips you can try:

1. Play with the cat

Most cats like to play. In the beginning you will probably have to try several things before you know what the favorite toy is, but don't give up! Are there balls, crumpled paper, play mice or feathers on a pole? Stay away from threads/yarns and toys that the cat can destroy and ingest.

2. Make today's meal a hunt

It can be boring to eat the same way every day. Instead, you can turn your meal into a thrilling chase by rolling balls of dry food across the floor. Do you have stairs? See if it's fun to run up and down the stairs for flying balls!

3. IQ toys

There are many IQ toys on the market that would suit a cat just as well, even if there is a picture of a dog on the box. You can also make IQ toys yourself from, for example, an empty toilet roll with treats in it and folded edges around it.

4. Tricks

Did you know that many cats like to learn tricks like “sit” and “high five”? Short workouts, treats, a commendable voice, and a dash of patience are all it takes. Just try and you'll see!

5. Practice with treat

Grab a favorite treat and decide which sound to use. Remember that the sound should be far away. The cat's name, a whistling sound or maybe a dog whistle? Start with a short distance and gradually increase the distance until the cat can't see you. Cats are smart animals and it doesn't take long for them to realize that the sound means, "Come, because then you'll get some treats!". This can be useful if the cat has taken a slightly too long walk or is hiding inside or outside.

6. Tunnel or box

Cat tunnels are fun to play and there are empty cardboard boxes or something else for the cat to crawl into and explore.

7. Fun in the bathroom

Place a large bowl of lukewarm water and a ball on the bathroom floor. Check if the cat likes to splash and spill as much as it wants.

Strengthens the relationship

You will find that you and your cat become even closer through the interaction the activities provide. Pick a time when your cat is awake and give it a try. Remember that variety is nice and that here only the imagination sets the limits. Your cat will clearly show you what it likes and dislikes. If the cat goes elsewhere, the session is over.