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10 reasons why you shouldn't have a cat as a pet

Cats are arguably the world's most popular pet; even more beloved than dogs. They can also look cute, but not everything is as cute as it seems. Our furry feline friends have many drawbacks. If you've never had a cat and are now considering getting one, think about it for a second. We can think of hundreds of reasons why you should not get a cat, but here we have listed 10.

1. Cats can be aloof
Yes, cats can be clingy at times, but it's always on their own terms and they see you mostly as a subordinate. (A dog, on the other hand, is almost always happy to see you and even looks up to you).

2. They cost a lot of money
Most people think that cats are cheap pets, you can often pick them up for free. But there's more! How about castration / sterilization, vaccinations, chipping, worm cure, litter box, food and toys? And the older the cat gets, the more costs usually come. And that's not even talking about vet costs.

3. Cat allergies are common
Cat allergies are a relatively common condition. This may or may not affect you, but it can be a problem if friends and relatives come to your home. And what about your children?

4. Cats are stubborn and impossible to train
Unlike a dog, cats will not obey, or even bother to learn. You get what you see.

5. They often vomit
Cats vomit regularly. Sometimes it is caused by hairballs. Sometimes the cause is a disease. Sometimes you just don't know. Whatever the cause, you still have to clean up the vomit.

6. Cat poop and pee is dirty and they do it in the house
Changing the litter box is one of the most tedious jobs ever. And you have to do that every day. In addition, you should regularly remove cat pee odor as this is extremely pungent and the whole house will smell after it.

7. Hair everywhere in the house
Even though it is said that a certain breed does not shed, Think again! All cats shed, some worse than others. So your house will sit in front of her, and probably your food too; after all, they climb onto the counter.

8. You cannot take a cat on holiday
A dog can enjoy the beach and run around with the whole family, but what would a cat do? Spiders in the hotel room? So you need a babysitter on a regular basis!

9. They destroy your furniture
Cats will climb on your furniture. Your expensive couch is just a scratching post to them and it won't last long. And how about the curtains that you love to climb in?

10. Cats scratch you too
In addition to scratching all your furniture, cats can also scratch you. Often it is by accident, such as when they jump on or off your lap. Other times, they suddenly get irritated because you're petting their tummy or something surprises them. Those little claws are sharp.